How I paid my taxes... - page 5

Svinozavr >>:

Депо - это тоже твой счет. И прибыль на нем - тоже твоя прибыль.

A depo in a Detselka is not a bank account...

It is not a bank account, it is just an accounting record or what they call an "accounting register".

Not of any interest to the tax authorities (by law)...

In banks it's practically the same system: current account <-> TCS <-> "register of account".

As soon as you press the button to transfer to the STS, only then does the profit arise,

and even then, as described in complicated banking language in the case of excess claims over liabilities,

which in civilian language means: when the withdrawal exceeds the input.

With cfd it is not the calculation of the base, but where to put it in which income.


Okay, I'm not gonna argue. I'm still sane, and what I was told by the IRS was not an audible hallucination. Soon as the letter from them to my request comes in, there will also be a visual hallucination. We all have, as I'll post the answer here.

In short, what they told me, I told them. You do as you please. It's up to you.


Where do I put the CFD? I don't know. I should probably use the CB code. I didn't ask that question in the letter.

How about a code 1531?
Svinozavr >>:

Ладно, не буду спорить. Я еще в здравом уме, и то, что мне было сказано в Федеральной налоговой службе, было не звуковой галлюцинацией. Скоро, как письмо от них на мой запрос придет, будет еще и зрительная глюка. У нас у всех, так как вывешу ответ здесь.

Короче, что мне они сказали, я рассказал. А ты - как угодно. Дело хозяйское.

What's the difference?

I missed the point...



I see...

You mean just the final balance for the year.

As in: Total (in-state).

Well... that's actually more profitable.

It just might raise a question in the event of an audit.

How come you guys got 1,000 on your bank statement 10 times,

and you're charging us 2,500...

(very exaggerated)

kombat >>:


кажись понял...

Ты имел ввиду просто конечный баланс за год.

Типа: итого (в стейте)

Нууу... впринципе это даже выгодней.

Просто в этом случАе могёт возникнуть вопрос на случай проверки.

А шо ж енто вы товарисч, по выписке из банка 10 раз по 1000 получали,

а нам тут 2500 нарисовали...

(очень утрировано)

))) By the way, you have to have a broker's statement for this (the tax office advised me on this as well).

And as for being more profitable... How can I put it? Imagine, income tax you paid (but did not withdraw money from the deposit! - my case), and then wham ... ...and you're out %80. It's a shame, isn't it?


Z.I. Drained - it's not my case anymore! )))))))))))))))))


Great topic.

Thanks to Svinozavr.

Waiting for an official response.

I do not know about Russia, but in Kiev I worked in a bank...I mean a there the tax was withdrawn only on the fact of withdrawal of money from the account. As long as the money is in the account, there is no tax... you can spend up to one million dollars at least for 10 years. No tax. As soon as you come to withdraw the money... there's no tax. The bank paid the tax itself... but only when I withdraw profit from the account. When I made my first withdrawal in the amount of the initial deposit, I did not pay any tax. The amount invested was not taxed... then everything above the amount initially invested was taxed.
Svinozavr >>:

З.Ы. Слил - это уже не мой случай! )))))))))))))))))

The law does not take into account someone's individual case. You don't sell out... but 95% of them do. So what? They paid tax on profits... but they didn't withdraw money from the account. Then the money was drained. The losses will be big... not only the deposit was drained, but taxes were also paid. In my opinion, pay taxes on money that is essentially in virtual form and do not know that they will actually cashed it calls sharing the skin not killed the bear. I do not know about you in Russia but in Ukraine, until the money is actually cashed, it does not count as profit. The bank only paid taxes for me when it withdrew money from my account. Then they gave back the amount requested, the tax deducted. Yes, and yet ... imagine the situation, the bank is a tax agent ... my deposit has increased, but the money from the deposit, I do not withdraw ... although in fact at the moment there is profit. So the bank is a tax agent, it will withdraw money from my securities account to pay tax? This has never happened in my life. Until the client requests the withdrawal, the bank itself has no right to withdraw money from the securities account... no matter what the profit is. The tax is only deducted when withdrawal is requested. As long as you do not apply for withdrawal, there is no tax and the bank will not withdraw money from the account itself.