How I paid my taxes... - page 4

Swetten >>:

"Биржевая торговля" -- имеется в виду фондовый рынок?

Yes - fondue, a.k.a. FR.

I don't know about the stock market. I thought it was about foreign exchange transactions, no?

If you noticed, in the very first post (post?) I wrote that ". and that I would be paying by analogy with the taxable base of my exchange business."

It's all very tempting, of course, to pay only on the money withdrawn, but you'll be explaining the validity of this approach to the base to the taxman if - heaven forbid - you have to. I don't have to. Although this approach seems strange to me too.

There is no difference, except that the tax for payment must be converted into rubles.


Yes, 'by analogy' missed it. But.

What does "enticing" have to do with it? There is a certain order, good or bad, but there is.

You should not pay "by analogy" either, because it is fraught with all sorts of things.

Once again: Forex and Stocks have, as we can see, different taxable bases.

From here we must dance around and do what the tax code prescribes, and without any amateurishness and analogies!

Swetten >>:

Причём здесь "заманчиво"? Есть определённый порядок, хороший или плохой, но есть.

Платить "по аналогии" тоже не надо, ибо чревато всяким.

I did not make this up myself - it took me a long time to find out from the tax authorities themselves. You, as I understand it, from the "managers". Tell me, and sew mittens near Ust-Kamensk they will also do for you?

Once again: forex and FX have, as we have seen, different taxable bases.

Where do "we" (?) see it from?

Hence we have to dance and do what the tax code prescribes, without any amateurishness or analogies!

Give me the tax code number, please.

Svinozavr писал(а) >>

I did not make this up myself - it took me a long time to find out from the tax officials themselves.

Well, then it is a question of competence of employees - again, there is a reason to file a complaint against them. And if "long" to consult with them -- preferably "signed".

Svinozavr wrote >>

Tell me, will they sew mittens near Ust-Kamensk for you, too?

I am not interested. In any case all claims will be to the agent, not to me.

How can "we" (?) see that?

From your explanations and analogies. :)

Please give me the number of the TC article.

It's to Kombat, he seems to be more advanced in this regard. Even knows about 29000.

Swetten >>:

Ну, тогда вопрос в компетенции сотрудников -- опять же есть повод накатать на них жалобу. И если консультироваться у них -- то желательно "под роспись".

There is no point. It does not guarantee anything.

I'm not interested in that. In any case, all the claims will go to the agent, not to me.

I wouldn't be so sure. Remember when pensioners were overpaid and then deducted?

From your explanations and analogies. :)

That's not my explanation. In this case, I'm just a repeater.

Kombat, he seems to be more advanced in this regard. He even knows about 29000.

About 2900 knows. And where does Combat come from... Maybe from the post I wrote in the thread above it.


Anyway, I paid from the income. I did not withdraw money from the account at all, which, incidentally, is what I wrote in the same first post.

If you want to pay as you like (and who would not like it?)), it is up to you. I wrote about how I did it.


It is quite possible that DC agents have their own scheme for the base and it's groovy with them with tax, but from consulting with tax officials I have taken what I have taken.

Yes! There is also such a thing as an official request - I have sent it to the tax office. When they respond (and they should soon), I will just post a scan of their response here.

Svinozavr >>:

Да! Есть еще такая штука, как официальный запрос - я его послал в налоговую. Когда они ответят (а уже скоро должен быть ответ), то просто выложу скан оих ответа здесь.

Well, actually, here's the result of the conversation. :)

Swetten >>:

Ну, собственно, вот результат беседы. :)

Yeah, yeah. I agree. I don't know what they tell me on their official phones. Paper is the head! )))

Ha! And what if they don't answer as they say? ))) It's gonna be a bumpy ride.


(laughing): Okay. As soon as I get it, that's it. )))



Svinozavr >>:

Нет. Налог исчисляется с твоей прибыли = сумма на счету + снятия - вложенные. И все это на конец отчетного периода, когда фиксируется за этот период прибыль. Иначе, если считать прибыль за каждый день, то ты можешь получить базу, превышающую в разы, в десятки и сотни раз суммы на твоем депо - убытки-то не фиксируются.

Полная аналогия с доходом от торговли на бирже. Какая нах разница - снял ты деньги или нет. Есть отчетный период - есть (если есть))) прибыль за него. С нее и налог.

You misunderstand me...

I am referring to an indication of receiving income: a transfer from the depository to my bank account!

This transaction is not many and rarely exceeds the number of months in a year, i.e. 12.

That is what I have been advised to do with the actual dates on which they have been credited to the bank.

For example: 30 Jan, 27 Feb. 25th of December.

And of course you pile up too much effort to write the transactions, especially if they come from a couple or three dealing rooms.


About 2900 knows the program. And where does the combadge come from... Maybe from the post that I wrote in the thread above it.

I knew it. From the software.

And the problem was that I worked (and still work) with Futures CFD on ru-shares.

Where to put them I do not know...

However, the amount is not so much to sleep like a banker. I woke up every hour and cried.



The deposit is also your account. And the profit on it is also your profit. // Ha! A friend of mine had a case where his investments were mistakenly recorded as profit. He spent, I think, a year (or more) with the tax authorities. But he got it out. And these cheerful guys, who had screwed up, washed their hands of it. They said they had made a mistake, but could not do anything about it - let the customer take care of it. )))

This, at least, is how the broker's base is calculated. If we wanted to know more about the market, we would have to follow the market. And all the more so with CFD. The subtleties of exchange rates do not apply to them. Or do you calculate the tax there also only for amounts withdrawn?

))) I have to advise it to my broker - I wonder what he will say? ))))))))))))))