How I paid my taxes...


Yes, yes, yes! I did pay Forex tax for 2009. And don't give me that look!

Anyway, at the end of the year there was some kind of profit in the account. I did not withdraw the money, but the balance is positive. It should be noted, that I'm used to pay taxes, but if my stockbrokers are tax agents and, if not all deposits are in securities, they pay them without my participation (if there is no cache - then I have to pay it myself, but I tried to have a cache for taxes), but brokerage companies - you understand - will not do it. The first thing I decided to ask about the technology of the whole thing and, thanks to the fact that I was there, I went to the tax committee for a consultation. A lady is sitting behind the window for "physical entities" and she is getting bored. These things - I say hello, - how can I pay the tax from Forex? The girl looked at me as at Detochkin, who came to the post office to transfer money to the orphanage. In general, it turned out that neither she nor anybody else in tax office knows shit, and, besides, there is no declaration form for 2009 and it is not clear when it will be available - somewhere near March (my visit was in the middle of January).

I won't bore you with the details of how I called the Central Tax Service, talked to the heads of departments, sectors, etc., but the result was - I realized that our state does not need taxes (we need the opportunity to take a man by the ass when necessary, and the tax collection is a different matter) and that I will pay by analogy with the taxable base of my exchange business.

As it was decided, I did so. This week, the software for 3-PIT (tax return) finally came out, I filled it out, printed it, took it to the tax office, went to the savings bank and, after filling out the receipt (!), paid the tax myself.

That's it. If anyone has any questions on the substance (just don't ask about my mental health, okay?), I can advise you.

Svinozavr >>:

то ДЦ - сами понимаете - этого делать не будут.

This is the first time I've heard that. I've only been to two DCs, but there is no problem, just remind the manager once and that's it.

P.S. You're good! :)


What is the basis for determining the taxable base for the tax office? A certificate from the DC stamped on the account at the beginning and end of the tax period or just an itemised printout of transactions made by yourself and submitted along with the personal income tax 3? What is the rate of income tax - 35% or how much? What does Forex income itself refer to - to a simple income (earnings) of individuals with 13% tax rate or to a lottery win with 35% tax rate, if I am not mistaken?

I have heard that personal income tax 3 for 2009 is the same as personal income tax 3 for 2008. Has anything changed? Please send me the link to the exact personal income tax-3 for 2009. Thank you!


2 Swetten

I am new to Forex, but the brokerage house where I have my real account told me clearly: it is not our problem. I am a beginner at Forex, but the brokerage company where I made my real account told me clearly: it's not our problem. My brokerage companies have been sending us money for lots of weeks and we have never lost our money.

Z.U. Thank you. (I certainly will not get any praise from our government!))


Can I get a hint at the name of the DC? Or in person - to avoid it and to punish the others.

solandr >>:

Что является основанием для определения налогооблагаемой базы для налоговой инспекции? Справка из ДЦ с печатью о состоянии счёта на начало и конец налогового периода или просто детализированная распечатка сделок, сделанная самостоятельно и предъявленная вместе с НДФЛ-3?

The taxable base is income at the end of the accounting period. No certificate from the DC is required, although I did get one just in case. It was a stamped printout of all transactions for the accounting period with a balance sheet at the end. But, again, you don't need any of this to submit the declaration. Just a completed declaration. But then, in case they want to check... In short, it's better if they do.

What is the income tax rate - 35% or how much? What does Forex income itself refer to - the simple income (earnings) of individuals at a tax rate of 13% or the lottery win at a rate of 35%, if I am not mistaken?

I specified the type of activity "Income in the form of exchange rate differences from transactions in foreign currency" - code 2900 and the software has counted me this case at a rate of 13%. I do not work with other instruments - only with currencies.

I have heard that the personal income tax 3 for 2009 is the same as the personal income tax 3 for 2008. Has anything changed? Please send me a link to the exact PIT-3 for 2009. Thank you!

Svinozavr >>:

Да-да-да! Я действительно заплатил налог с Форекса за 2009 год. И нефига так глядеть!

Ta ni! I'm squinting...

;)))) but I look perpendicular.

That's a good one!

Example of filling in if possible?

(Well, respectively, without the details there name, address)

ZS: program

kombat >>:

Та ни! то косоглазый я...

;))) а так сморю перпендикулярно

Хорошее дело!

Пример заполнения можно?

(ну соответственно без подробностей там ФИО, адрес)

ЗЫ: программа

So download it and start filling it out. If you don't understand something, ask.

Svinozavr >>:

Так скачай и начни заполнять. Если чего непонятно - спрашивай.

I'm pumping...

I tried it before, in 2007 for 2006, but gave it up halfway through.

It's been three years, I'm not afraid... ...sort of...

Now I'll just let the agents do my legwork for me. They get paid commissions for nothing (even if indirectly).

kombat >>:


Я уже пробовал ранее, в 2007г. за 2006г. но бросил на полпути.

Три года прошло, можно терь не бояцо... вроде как...

А щас пусть агенты за меня горбатятся. Зазря им комиссионные что-ль платятся (пусть и косвенно).

So your brokerage company (I underline - Forex!) is paying on its own, i.e. is a tax agent?

kombat >>:

А щас пусть агенты за меня горбатятся. Зазря им комиссионные что-ль платятся (пусть и косвенно).

There!!! :)