About the councillor - page 2

ChachaGames писал(а) >>
Some bullshit... on metaquote with its own terminal - it's losing, even for the last month... fxpro with its history makes money, but there the history is only for the last month... If I downloaded history to my terminal, it was losing for 3 years and for a month + total bugs... Where can I get a normal story?

Try Alpari.

khorosh >>:

Попробуй на Альпари.

Is there an option to fill in the native history there?

ChachaGames писал(а) >>
Decided to create a separate thread, because people are asking.

Selling, bragging, sharing TC?

What's the point and purpose of the thread?

goldtrader >>:

Продаёте, хвастаетесь, делитесь ТС?

Смысл и цель ветки?

just showing off for now

ChachaGames писал(а) >>

I'm just bragging for now.

What's there to whistle about without doing anything? At least show me the full report, or a graph of equite with the Surgeon's indicator... But you can see as it is, no losing trades, except I gather by chance due to a glitch?, and this is, oddly enough, quite bad...

Figar0 >>:

Чего свистеть без дела? Покажите хотя бы полный отчет, ну или график эквите с помощью индикатора Хирурга... Но и так видно, нет убыточных сделок, кроме я так понял случайно из-за глюка?, и это, как ни странно, весьма плохо...

I'd love to post it, but that's the thing about the story, I'm just new here, but I think there's something wrong with the story

ChachaGames писал(а) >>

I'd love to post it, but that's the thing about the story, I'm just new here, but I think there's something wrong with the story.

You don't need a story...

Right click on the demo account history, save as -> detailed report. >> zip it up and post it.)

ChachaGames >>:

Я бы рад выложить, но в том то и дело на истории сливает, просто я тут недавно, но мне кажется с историей что-то нетак

The tester has its nets

What is the average profit in pips ?

Figar0 >>:

Не надо истории...

Правой кнопкой на истории демо счета, сохранить как -> детализированый отчет. Зазиповать и выкласть)

Well, I made a summary of it :)

Mischek >>:

У тестера есть свои нетаки

А сколько средняя прибыль в пунктах ?
