About the councillor - page 8

Techno писал(а) >>

You can't work on a real system like that.

If you have iron balls, it's OK :)

ChachaGames писал(а) >>

he's already made me $8,000 in real money :P

Why are you hypnotising me with the demo-state? Where is the logic?

goldtrader >>:

Зачем же стейтом с демо гипнотизируете? Где логика?

It's just that my balls aren't ironclad and it's not as beautiful as on the demo :) there's life - here's a dream :)

goldtrader >>:

Если железные яйца то можно :)

That's what I'm thinking about... super profits over the risk of 500% a week... we withdraw our thousand and there's another 500%... but there's no risk anymore!

granit77 >>:
А вот тут позвольте не поверить :))

I immediately wondered why I should write or even "brag" about anything on this forum when my deposit is growing by leaps and bounds.

In general, over the last year (at a glance), those who used to write on the forum, something to explain the other participants showed their results, stopped writing in general or once rare to see a post old and knowledgeable forum users. There is no point in writing when there is something that brings money, not enough time to spend it. There are so many places in the world where one would like to go and see something, so much to buy, so much .... I think everyone understands....

goldtrader >>:

Если железные яйца то можно :)

Yep, there's the second one :))

granit77 >>:

Ага, вот и второй :))

Put me in there too, young man, get my balls pumped :)


Вот и мне сразу подумалось, а зачем что либо писать или даже "хвастаться" на данном форуме, когда депозит растет семимильными шагами.

Вообще за последний год (на вскидку), те кто раньше писали на форуме, что-то объясняли другим участникам, показывали свои результаты работы, ПЕРЕСТАЛИ ПИСАТЬ вообще или редкий раз увидишь пост старых и знающих форумчан. Нет смысла писать, когда есть то, что приносит деньги, не хватает времени их тратить. В мире столько мест куда хотелось бы попасть и что-то посмотреть, столько купить, столько .... думаю все поняли....

Well, I'm new at this... maybe too... in time.... :)))


HIDDEN писал(а) >>

There is no point in writing when there is something that brings in money, not enough time to spend it. There are so many places in the world to go and see, so many things to buy, so many .... I think we all get it....

Come on, Kirill. Not everyone who earns good money leaves the forum. Even I know a few people who continue to actively communicate. Others who do not have time even to count their earnings, still look, but less frequently. It is a smoker, a club, a relaxation place, and communication with people who are kindred spirits. Von, the programmer even writes from his own island and actively teaches how to live :))

ChachaGames >>:

What kind of pair, if it's not a secret? For EURUSD I can give you the minutes from your broker's real for almost a year, for other pairs there is less history.