[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 497

Can I have the root?

And numbers?

No root, but I like the idea. Like a cubic equation or something?

In short, it looks like we need to make a proper symmetric f-from these three variables.

P.S. Just got it. There is no root operation of any degree.

And digits... Well, if you need 5a, you could do, say, a+a+a+a+a.


Oh, it's complicated, Andrei. Where's the s?

P.S. The problem is for 8th-11th grades. No need for integrals.


No root, but I like the idea. Like a cubic equation or something?

In short, it looks like we need to make a proper symmetric f-from these three variables.

P.S. Just got it. There is no root operation of any degree.

And digits... Well, if you need 5a, you could do, say, a+a+a+a+a.

No, you have to divide it by three.

In short, good equations (x2 is the desired one)

a*a + b*b + c*c = 2*x1*x1 + x2*x2
(a - b)^2 + (b - c)^2 + (a - c)^2 = 2(x1 - x2)^2
a + b + c = 2*x1 + x2
1/a + 1/b + 1/c = 2/x1 + 1/x2 = (2*x2 + x1)/(x1*x2)

In short, good equations (x2 -- the sought after one)

I'll add:

(a-b)*(a-c) + (b-a)*(b-c) + (c-a)*(c-b) = (x1-x2)^2 = x1^2 - 2*x1*x2 + x2^2

You can't do it without the square root, can you?

In short, good equations (x2 is the desired one)

something is wrong. The conditions don't mention x1 or x2.

I.e. only numbers a, b, c and arithmetic operations.

It should be:

f(a,b,c) = c

For example:

a - b + c = c

a : b * c = c

Something like this. The difficulty is that you don't know which of these 3 numbers are "the same" and which are "different", i.e. the arithmetic expression must be universal.

You can't do it without the square root, can you?
So far, yes, I haven't figured it out.

I'll add:

(a-b)*(a-c) + (b-a)*(b-c) + (c-a)*(c-b) = (x1-x2)^2 = x1^2 - 2*x1*x2 + x2^2


a + b + c = x1 + x1 + x2
x2 = a + b + c - x1 - x1 ,

  x1 = ( (a-b)*(a-c) + (b-a)*(b-c) + (c-a)*(c-b) ) / ( (b-a)*b/c + (c-b)*c/a + (a-c)*a/b )