[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 592


And who says that this extra capture was made by a pawn? The bishop was eaten by some other piece of black, why not...

Well done, you've made a serious turn here. I also suspected that the king could have been under double check.

No - in order to move a pawn to bishops or queens you have to make more than 10 pawns - especially one of the pieces was not eaten by a pawn... i.e. bishop and queen are their own... that leaves the king's move...
well, and cramped movements... g5-g4+
alsu: The point is that the pieces are missing 10, and the captures should be 11.

Let's do it again:


  • a2 - no takedowns
  • a3 - one take, came from vertical b.
  • b4 - one take, came from the vertical with
  • b5 - three captures, came from the vertical of e
  • d2 - no capture

5 takedowns as a result. And 5 more captures for pawn from f2, in order to move up to b7.

10 in total. Where did I go wrong?

Black's bishop is missing at F8 - i.e. it was eaten by the piece....
well, and cramp... g5-g4+

the end is near)



Queen strikes f4 check

don't try to escape)


And 5 more takedowns for pawn from f2 to advance to b7.

I think it's 4.
OK... I give up... :-) but it was possible to poke around .... there were options before - when I thought about it :-)

Like, 4.
Fifth, to hold the queen (there is no pawn anymore)