[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 554

The Guinness Book seems to have a mother who gave birth at 87. But I could be wrong.

I'm six years younger than my aunt. Grandfather fought a long war.
We are not talking about men, it is easier for them to create something even at 70 than for women.
We are not talking about men, it is easier for them to create something even at 70 than for women.

About women, of course, it's more pleasant.
Question for experts in physics and mathematics: what is the "secret of the trick"?


I haven't looked at such scams for a long time.

There are thousands of schemes and even demonstrations of the "working" perpetuum mobile online. Someone needs it, but not me.


I haven't watched such divorces for a long time.

That's why I want to understand how it's done. No one can explain it.
Tesla used to dabble in this sort of thing, even making a car.
Tesla used to dabble in this sort of thing, even making a car.
I've heard about that. It is not clear where this "design" draws its energy from. Where is the battery hidden?
If the rumours are to be believed, Tesla tuned the coil to the frequency of the Earth's magnetic field, but here you don't know.

// Immediately pardon the off-topic, as the particular case of application of solutions (if solutions are found) is still trade-related.

// (: but on the other hand, this is an incentive, right? :)

// If you really help, I'll tell you why I need it... ;) I assure you - it may come in handy...


Given: a set of M orthogonal vectors in N-dimensional space (M<N) // in the limiting case M==1

Required: build a generator of vectors (!) orthogonal to a given set. I need an idea how to quickly generate random vectors which satisfy the condition (! ) .

Explanation-reminder: For N-dimension space, dimension of solution space is equal to (N-M), i.e. with initial set in number (M=N-1) of vectors we have one unique solution (by the way, how to get it in one move? There's an article in wiki, but I haven't worked it out yet. Who can explain algorithm on fingers - I'll give him a candy(again - why I need it all)). With smaller initial set - there is infinite number of such vectors, i.e. "there are variants". These are the variants that need to be generated.