[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 513
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From matforum:
В одной кампании знали все анекдоты - старые, новые и ещё не родившиеся. И вот для краткости они их все занумеровали - счётным их множество оказалось. Как-то раз случайный прохожий оказался с ними рядом и подивился их всеобщему восторгу произнесённым вслух числам. Назовёт кто-нибудь 3787 или 4920459 - все смеются, а 2718281828459045 их вообще на землю свалило. Дай-ка и я их повеселю, - подумал случайный прохожий и называет 31415926535897932384626433832795
Что тут было ... !
В кампании дамы были, а анекдот оказался крайне неприличным.
From matforum:
It's quite realistic. For example, the text of a joke encoded in ASCII. But the jokes are kind of short :) They must have been archived.
"271828182828459045 they're all down on the ground" // the number e
"Let me give them some fun too," thought a random passer-by and called 3141592653535897932384626433832795" // the number pi
"271828182828459045 they're all down on the ground" // the number e
"Let me give them some fun too," thought a random passer-by and called 3141592653535897932384626433832795" // the number pi
what a random passerby 8)
"271828182828459045 they're all down on the ground" // the number e
"Let me give them some fun too," thought a random passer-by and called 3141592653535897932384626433832795" // the number pi
It was some kind of a stooge, and a random passerby would have said 31415.
It was some kind of a stooge, and a casual would say 31415.
Help . Grade 3 . Maths elective. How should this be solved by a third grade student ?
5. Three identical playing cubes (the sum of the numbers on opposite faces is 7) are glued together with identical faces, producing a column. What can be seen on the front face of this column?
See picture below
I don't understand the problem. all options seem to be real, what is the answer?
I think the answer is to exclude variants, which cannot be, as I understood it. (in general, some problems are worded incorrectly)