[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 353

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Maybe I'm wrong. It just occurred to me. If we assume that the value of gold is determined by the exchange rates of currency pairs (you can have the currencies themselves). We make up a system of equations. Solve it. Now the exchange rate of gold (oil) has changed. Make a system again. Solve it. We look at the changes in the coefficients of currency pairs. Some of them grow and some of them drop. Decide what to buy. If someone is interested and check it.

There's something to it. But, it's too easy for a grail. In any case it's worth a try. The lack of result is also a result.
By the way, how are you getting on with the Kalman filter? Do you think this direction is promising or not worth messing with?

FreeLance >>:
.... задачу о безумном аптекаре ...

Can you elaborate on what this task is.


Kalman's is simply a procedure (iterative OLS) that allows you to determine which of the nested models the market is best suited to at a given time. And based on that make a prediction. But don't expect miracles. Everything depends on what models you put into it. And how you will use the results of its work.

Here's an example. We were just talking about it.

It takes 1-2 minutes to create a system of equations and solve it in Matcadet. It took me longer to put in the quotes.

You got the result. And now it (the result) needs to be improved. Transfer into trading functions (when to buy, what to buy and in what volume, etc.). So it is everywhere.From my point of view Kalmanovska filtration is the most promising from what I know.

Prival писал(а) >>

>>Thank you, I'll look into it.

Richie >>:

Спасибо, буду разбираться.

Jan Hus.

FreeLance, please remind me of the mad healer problem. At least the branch will be livelier.
P.S. If I'm not mistaken, you and I are still on a first-name basis.
Mathemat >>:
FreeLance, пожалуйста, напомните задачку о безумном лекаре. Хоть ветка оживится.
P.S. Если не ошибаюсь, мы с Вами все же "на ты".

to say no.

until we've kissed... ;)

numbering systems theme.

There are plenty of barrels including wrong coin(s) etc.

In one weighing, you have to dial a multicurrency(keg) martin and name the wrong keg(s).

The scales are absolutely accurate - digital. Not weights. Just like in a pharmacy. You put it on - the weight is in milligrams. ;)

There is no limit on discharges.

OK, FreeLance, rejected - understood. Your style of thinking hasn't changed :) What is the name of this problem on the Internet to find its exact formulation?
I found a problem about two pills, but it is clearly different. Who knows the solution - please do not write the answer!

You need to take two pills every day - one from the blue bottle and one from the red bottle. It is a matter of life and death. If you don't, you will die. If you take two pills from the same bottle, you will also die. Today, when you took one pill from the blue bubble, you shook the red bubble too much and two pills from the red bubble fell on your palm. Unfortunately, this is not a matrix and only the bubbles are coloured, not the pills themselves.

So you have three perfectly identical pills in your hand: one from a blue bubble and two from a red bubble. There is no way to tell them apart; they don't differ in appearance or taste at all. You can't throw them away and take new ones, they are priceless.

How can you, without risking anything, take the medicine?

Mathemat >>:
ОК, FreeLance, отказано - понято. Ваш стиль изложения мыслей не изменился :) Как эта задача именуется в инете, чтобы найти ее точную формулировку?

I don't know... maybe not on the internet. It's still in my memory.

Bibiteca's a bit of a mess.

But with one barrel, it's easy.

You take 10^i pills from each of them and look at the shift in the digit. That's the barrel number.


And for M barrels of poison in N the same is cooler (c) x3

One saving grace - counterfeit and normal are strictly the same in themselves.

Richie >>:
Пардон. Ссылка устарела. https://www.mql5.com/go?link=http://mosgorzdrav.ru/pkb1

Are you giving us your home one?

Calm down.

We won't disturb you!

FreeLance >>:

не знамо.. в инете может и нет. А в памяти осталась.

Бибитеку растерял трохи.

Но с одним бочёнком просто.

со всех берём по 10^i пилюль(монет) и смотрим в резе сдвиг в разряде. он и есть номер бочёнка.


А для M боченков с отравой в N таких же круче (с) х3

Одно спасает - фальшивыя и нормальныя строго одинаковыя в себе.

Well, I didn't ask for the solution, but for the wording, because I didn't fully understand the condition in your statement.

OK, now that you know the solution, let's solve the problem of two pills.