[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 334

Mathemat >>:
Richie, какова роль Штирлица?
2 avatara: никто не мешает. Но он, получается, первый и сообщит о том, что все были, - и скормит всех крокодилам.

Oh, yeah :(

Hitler kaput!

And I don't believe in such anti-Soviet puzzles!



don't touch the lamp!


Mathemat писал(а) >>
Richie, what is the role of Stirlitz?

To count how many times he went to the interrogation. If he went N times (N>=99) and the lamp was turned off 99 times, then it's time to "talk" to Mueller.
Each ZEC turns the lamp off only once.
OK, Richie, let's go in order.
1. What does Stirlitz do (if on/off at entry)?
2. What do the other 99 do (if enabled/disabled on entry)?
3. Who reports?
There's something not right here.
It takesa special man, Stirlitz. He doesn't do what the others do.
Richie >>:

Считать сколько раз он ходил на допрос. Если он ходил N раз (N>=99) и лампа была выключена 99 раз, то пора "разговаривать" с Мюллером.
Каждый ЗЭК выключает лампу только один раз.

I don't care if it's two hundred.
Where's the guarantee that at least one hasn't already been


In order:
1. Stirlitz, when summoned, turns on the lamp in the cell.
2. Stirlitz counts how many times the lamp has been switched on when he is called, if it has been switched on 99 times - he talks to the guard.
3. All other convicts turn the lamp off after leaving the cell with the guard.
4. Convicts do not turn the lamp on themselves.
5. If Stirlitz came to the cell with the guard and the lamp is on, it means that only he was there before him.
6. If Stirlitz came to the cell with the guard and the lamp is off, it means there was another convict there before him.

Mischek >>:

Да хоть двести
где гарантия что хоть один ещё не был

You are the conscience of the forum!


Mathemat >>:
Произведение пяти чисел не равно нулю. Каждое из этих чисел уменьшили на единицу, при этом их произведение не изменилось. Приведите пример таких чисел.

the most beautiful solution: -1*5*6*7*8 = -2*4*5*6*7

//What a load of rubbish...! :)

OK, the warder calls like this: Stirlitz (first) - second - Stirlitz - second - Stirlitz - second and so on until Stirlitz has been there 100 times. And only then is he going to summon all the others.
So Stirlitz is going to feed everyone to the crocodiles.
Actually, I'm confused by your solution, Richie. You are:
1. Stirlitz, when summoned, turns on the lamp in the cell. <br / translate="no">2. Stirlitz counts how many times the lamp has been on, when he is called, if it has been on 99 times - then he talks to the guard.
All other convicts turn the lamp off after leaving the cell with the guard.
4. Convicts do not turn the lamp on themselves.
5. If Stirlitz came to the cell with the guard, and the lamp was on, it means only he was there before him.
6. If Stirlitz came to the cell with the guard and the lamp is off, it means there was another convict there before him.
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