[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 269

Mathemat >>:

Не понял тебя. При чем тут касательные? Векторы положения ракеты и самолета просто пропорциональны всегда во время полета (начало векторов - в начале кор\ординат)

The missile's velocity vector must, by convention, be pointing strictly at the plane at any given time. This is obviously not the case in this solution.


No, by convention the velocity vector is not directed towards the aircraft. The position vector is directed by the condition.

Decompose the velocity vector of the rocket, decompose it into tangential and radial components. What are they equal at an arbitrary point in time?

Yes, the rocket is flying strangely, I agree. sideways. That's how they fly. The second part of the solution shows that it can fly that way.

Mathemat >>:

И за какое время они реально сводятся по твоему алгоритму?

Самолет-разведчик летает по кругу радиуса 10 км, с центром в точке А, со скоростью 1000 км/час. В некоторый момент из точки А выпускают ракету с той же скоростью, что самолет, и управляется она так, что все время находится на прямой, соединяющей самолет с точкой А. Через какое время она догонит самолет? 69

Shit, I was inattentive again. Read the condition and understood it so that the rocket is always directed to the plane by a vector of velocity (I mean, flies straight at it). Ugh. Sorry. :(

By the way, what about the problem I read? Here is the full text.

A reconnaissance plane flies in a circle of 10 km radius, centered at point A, at a speed of 1000 km/hour. At some moment a missile with the same speed as the plane is launched from point A and controlled in such a way that it moves exactly in the direction of the plane all the time. In what time will it catch up with the aircraft?

// Will it catch up with the plane?


Is that how I wrote it (I mean the second blue one)? That seems to be a different task altogether.

Mathemat >>:

Это я ее так написал (я о второй синенькой)?

NO. That's how I read it :) And now I've written and offer to solve MY problem.


Yeah, got it. Let's think about it. Unlikely to kiss, and in the limit will chase the plane in circles. But it's interesting to figure out the trajectory.

У меня в системе (в свойствах) установлен размер шрифта 125% от "нормального".

Are you visually impaired by your second wife, too?

Mathemat >>:

1) Ага, понял. Подумаем. Поцелует вряд ли, и в пределе будет гоняться за самолетом по кругу. Но траекторию интересно вычислить.

2) У тя тоже проблемы со зрением из-за второй жены?

1) Well, that's what I wrote the first time. Because I was foolishly solving this very problem. :)

2) I don't understand the logic !? It's not like I'm blaming anyone... :)


The second wife is a pisuk, you can blame everything on it (it's ironclad).

I also have 125% and regular display problems, which I'm used to :)

Mathemat >>:

Вторая жена - это писюк, на него можно свалить все (он железный).

У меня тоже 125% и регулярные проблемы с отображением, к которым уже привык :)

Got it. :) I'm out of here,of course. But the fact that I'm married to him is no reason to blame.... :)))


If you are familiar with higher algebra, the following problem should at least intrigue you:

Does a set of information have a group structure? The answer (with some natural formalization) is YES.

There is a consequence for the market in the light of the postulate of its efficiency.