[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 251


36 сек ?

No. What trajectory does the rocket take?




Think about it. I haven't yet figured out why it is the way it is in the decision.


The problem is for 10th grade and was given at a time when derivatives were not yet taught in school.


I don't understand why it's not 36? It's flying along the radius and it's the same


Ah, got it.


I have a vague doubt...

that the arc length of an aircraft's trajectory

from the moment the missile is launched until it hits.

and there is the length of the missile's trajectory.

So the spiral formula is unnecessary )


Correct, the arc length is the same. The spiral formula is unnecessary. But the moment they kiss will still have to be calculated.


there's still something missing.

If you also calculate the angular velocity, the 2 unknowns (
