[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 249

MaStak >>:

Почему ? Они понимают где право где лево, а значит могут двигатся навстречу друг другу

No, they don't. A circle has a huge radius, like a straight line to them. I'm making it difficult for them. They can't communicate, but they always know the chord distance between them. They can stand up, turn around or walk straight ahead on the basis of the analysis. Speeds are different and unknown to each other.

The task is non-trivial, especially if they are on the same diameter.

No, they're both already against the wall. It's either a left or a right.

OK, so they both go left up the wall? What if they have equal speeds? They won't meet.

Mathemat >>:

Общаться не могут, но всегда знают расстояние между ними по хорде. На основании анализа могут встать, развернуться или идти прямо как шли. Скорости разные и неизвестные друг другу.

Are these new conditions ?


I'm just suggesting conditions under which there is a chance of solving the problem on reasonable terms. If they move inside a circle and are blind, they will not meet (if they have equal speeds) with probability 1.


In short, I don't know the wording so that the problem is non-trivial and reasonable.

What did you solve it in relation to?

Mathemat >>:

Я просто предлагаю условия, при которых есть шанс решить задачу на разумных условиях. Если они двигаются внутри круга и слепоглухонемые, то не встретятся (если у них равные скорости) с вероятностью 1.

So you have answered the first question of the problem with the previous conditions - the second is better off standing.


Standing already on the lap?

And how will he know he's second and not first?

Mathemat писал(а) >>

What did you solve it in relation to?

Neutrons, reflection ...... in short, the atom bomb is :)))


I gather from several articles that enriching uranium/plutonium to weapons-grade uranium is only one of the problems in the problem of making an atomic bomb. Then there are a bunch of problems related to chemical activity and the exact alignment of the blast waves.