[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 210


There's an old geometry problem here:

How do you divide an angle into three equal parts using a compass and a ruler?

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There's an old geometry problem here:

How do you divide an angle into three equal parts using a compass and a ruler?


Trisection of an angle
(from Lat. tri-, in compound words, three and sectio, cutting, dissecting), a problem of dividing an angle into three equal parts. At first, they solved it by means of the simplest geometrical tools - compass and ruler (without division, considered as a tool for drawing straight lines). This was possible, however, only in some cases (e.g. for angles of 90° and 90°/2n, where n is a natural number). The strict proof of impossibility of exact T. y. in general case by means of a compass and a ruler (i.e. insolubility in quadratic radicals of the cubic equation to which T. y. is reduced) was given only in the 19th century.

Wapchette articulated attachments are often called for in construction tasks.

Why the hell don't they come in standard preparatory sets? Probably to make life easier for students. :)


That's what the protractor and other moulds are for.

Maybe some Germans make articulated ones, how do you know?

Mathemat >>:

Может, шарнирные какие-нибудь немцы и делают, откуда ты знаешь?

I don't think so. We would have known about it. You could Google it at your leisure.

Probably a good tradition from the time of Archimedes. :)


I typed in "ready-made" into Yandex-in-pictures. For a long time I stared blankly at the sets, familiar from my childhood, with no sign of ideological progress...

Finally found one cool picture in a row. (See above) I felt less regret for the time spent... :)


About the trisection ...

1. Find A'

2. Find the centre of BA' and CA'.

3. Draw straight lines from A to the midpoints of BA' and CA'.

Seems to be equal ;)

MaStak >>:

Насчёт трисекции ...

1. Найти A'

2. Найти середину BA' и CA'

3. Провести прямые из A в середины отрезков BA' и CA'.


Вроде равны ;)

Good one! ;)

Now make the original angle close to the deployed angle (160 degrees) and repeat the feat, please... :)

// Hinges rule, after all.


The unfolded one can be broken into sharp ones )

Just make sure there are more circles.