[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 147

vegetate писал(а) >>

It is incorrect to say that it "abided", "long" and so on, as well as "before" and "where it abided". Because it is not described by the concepts of time and space. But that does not mean that "it" is not described by anything. There are simply no concepts/means to describe it in our reality, it emerged after and at the same time as the BP. It's a shame for a reasonable person, of course, but there's nothing we can do about it. It is approximately as the inhabitants of the "point" would argue about the line on which this point is located.

So you argue that not only matter-energy, but space-time did not exist before the Big Bang?

And what is "our reality" - just to make it clear what you are talking about ? In order to understand each other let's explain at once the concepts that are used. Otherwise it will be a conversation of the mute with the deaf.

Yurixx >>:

То есть вы утверждаете, что до Большого Взрыва не было не только материи-энергии, но и пространства-времени ?

И что такое "наша реальность" - просто чтобы понятно было о чем вы говорите ? Чтобы понимать друг друга давайте сразу объяснять понятия, которые используются. Иначе будет разговор немого с глухим.

the dumb and the deaf have great conversations on their fingers


It goes something like this. I hope it makes sense :) . Constructed even almost exactly.

sanyooooook >>:


Why do you have to number it? Somehow this problem reminds me of Kirchhoff's law of currents in a node. Is the vertex where -1, +5, -4 converge correct?

sanyooooook писал(а) >>

the dumb and the deaf are great at talking on their fingers

That's right, repeat that post of yours on your fingers, not as text. :-)

It's not like counting ants.

Yurixx >>:

Вот-вот, повторите плз. этот свой пост на пальцах, а не в виде текста. :-)

Это вам не муравьев считать.

What do you think I'm doing with the text of the trial?

Mathemat >>:

А для чего нумеровать-то? Чем-то мне эта задачка напоминает закон Кирхгофа о токах в узле. Вершина, в которой сходятся -1, +5, -4, правильная?

You too, no one wants to number


sanyooooook, is the vertex where -1, +5, -4 converge right?

2 TheXpert: I'm trying to figure out what you're doing there.

Mathemat >>:

sanyooooook, вершина, в которой сходятся -1, +5, -4, правильная?

2 TheXpert: пытаюсь разобраться, чего ты там такое понастроил.

but what about the other tops?


Third time: sanyooooook, is the vertex where -1, +5, -4 converge correct? Am I thinking correctly or not?