[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 115

Mathemat >>:

2 Farnsworth: спасибо, родной. Меня уже почти на 100% уломали, что предел-таки существует.

Always happy to help. But MathCAD cannot be taken for granted. It can be very wrong sometimes. Fortunately, PTC tracks and fixes bugs. So, everything has to be checked (or rather, almost everything :o).

PS: to tell you the truth, I've forgotten the theory of limits, (and I don't see the point of recalling it so thoroughly)

Richie >>:

Любая степень может. Если эти четыре цифры = 0 :)

2^1,16=2,23457427614444 000000

Richie, you have brazenly and unabashedly rounded up the number. Moreover, you have discarded the very essence of it - the infinite tail. What am I supposed to do with these serpentine practices?!

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Richie, you have brazenly and unabashedly rounded up the number. Moreover, you have discarded the very essence of it - the infinite tail. What am I supposed to do with these serpentine practices?!

It can't be. If I rounded it, it wasn't me, it was Excel:



Try it yourself.


You may be right, though, but it's not my fault, I didn't round it up:



It looks like Excel can't count any more accurately than that.


That's right, he doesn't:


For those who don't have Doctor Webb downloading, if you need it:


Richie >>:

Не может этого быть. Если и округлил, то не я, а эксель:

Richie: You're an Irresponsible Irresponsible Rascal. That's not an insult, it's a diagnosis (and a joke one at that). ;)

And you're probably proud of it too. :) // I judge by your profile.

And in vain! Awareness of limitations (in particular your own) increases real abilities and real orientation in life.

You can use this fact to create effective psychotechniques.

For example: Write down on paper your limitations in the field of "X" (in any form).

// Replace "X" with a specific field of endeavor, e.g. = "trading forex for profit".

In a day or two you will discover a tangible (though not grandiose) improvement of your skills in this field.

If necessary, the technique can be repeated many times (with a pause of at least a few days) in the same or a modified formulation.

// "Limitless people", however, tend to challenge the very existence of their limits

// This technique is very difficult for them to implement - all their "boundless" ambitions will immediately fall on deaf ears when they try.

// But this is precisely why this technique is so useful for people with this kind of ambition.

// It's a pity that almost all of them are almost incapable of using it... - It doesn't fit into their mindless picture of the world, the psychoprotective censor strongly objects.

// Can you do it? :)


Good luck!



Prove that there are infinitely many triples of positive integers a, b, c such that a! = b! - c!.

I hope this problem will be harder than the last ones.

P.S. Sorry, my mistake. It's simple :)

Mathemat >>:

P.S. Пардон, ошибся. Она простая :)

Yes, if for example c=1, then a and b can be anything:)))


Let's assume that this is the trivial case. Find the non-trivial ones (not necessarily all of them, just an infinite number is enough).

P.S. By the way, c=0 also fits. It is, however, non-natural.