[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 110

Mathemat писал(а) >>

A little more than zero. Firstly, because they are both attracted to the centre of the Earth (there is already an angle between the vectors) and, secondly, because they are also attracted to each other. But the attraction to each other can be neglected.

Yes. How little you have written and how much it means.

Do you think balloons can repel each other and not be attracted to each other? I mean gravity, not magnetic or electric field.

Richie >>:

Да. Как мало вы написали и как много это значит.

А как вы думаете, могут ли шарики отталкиваться друг от друга, а не притягиваться? Я имею ввиду гравитацию, а не магнитное и не электрическое поле.


Another question for the night. According to Einstein's reasoning, in order to have an effect, a body has to be travelling at a staggering speed,

close to the speed of light. Can a body not fly anywhere at all, but have an effect?


Problem: Is a number whose decimal notation consists of 1999 threes exactly squared?

2 Richie: If it's gravity, only gravitation. And antigravity is, to me, from the realm of science fiction.

About the effect: is it a pleasant heaviness in the body, or what?

Richie >>:

Ещё вопрос, на ночь. Согласно рассуждениям Эйнштейна, чтобы был эффект, тело должно лететь с офигительной скоростью,

близкой к скорости света. А может ли тело вообще никуда не лететь, а эффект чтобы был?

Are you sure you feel this effect? )
Mathemat >>:

Задачка: Является ли точным квадратом число, десятичная запись которого состоит из 1999 троек?

No. It is divided by three, with the result being 1999 units. Which in turn is not divisible by three.

Shall I continue? Or is it enough?

Mischek >>:

Ты уверен что чувствуешь именно этот эффект ? )

Mischek, I respect you. :)

MetaDriver, what do you think. Can the balls repel?
MetaDriver >>:

Mischek, я тебя уважаю. :)

Likewise )


Richie, you need a justification. OK, then at least show yourself why the number of 1999 ones is not divisible by 3.

2 Metadriver: that's enough. By the way, do you have any thoughts about the night problem about the segment with ends on two circles?

The next one seems to be more complicated: Prove that number 111...11 (81 units) is divisible by 81.