[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 94


The sum of the angles of a triangle is 6*Pi, this is obvious.


They're really messing with me.

They're going to throw in the multiplication table and the UFO video

Mischek >>:

Они реально издеваются

Ща в подсказку таблицу умножения скинут и ролик про НЛО

dac they haven't decided, they're just showing off :-))
xeon >>:

дак они не решили, просто понты наводят :-))


I've already poked my monitor in three places with a compass (taped it shut) and they ...


The property of a square is that it is a rhombus with right angles.

You can build an infinite number of rhombuses, but only one of them will be a square.


Mischek >>:

Во во

Я у себя уже в трёх местах циркулем монитор проткнул (заклеил скочем) а они ...

You might want to get some anti-circular glass for your monitor, otherwise your monitor will look like a sieve :-))


Circle properties - where it starts and where it ends :-) but what gives? :-))

feel free to join in, who else knows what other properties? maybe when we list them all, a bright idea will come to us :-))

xeon >>:

может стоит противоциркульным стеклом для монитора обзавестись?, а то не монитор, а решето будет :-))


I've already put the monitor on the table so it doesn't leak too much.

Now my neck is sore, it's uncomfortable, but when you measure, the ruler doesn't slip down and I don't have to tape it down


My decision:

xeon >>:

свойства окружности - где начинается там и заканчивается :-) только что это дает? :-))

присоеденяйтесь, кто еще какие свойства чегонибуть знает? мож когда все перчислим глядиш и светлая мысль посетит :-))

If you put the monitor on the floor

and open this branch

and let the cat go a meter away from the monitor.

the cat doesn't fall.