[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 88

MetaDriver писал(а) >>

That's just outrageous...!


>> all the angles in a triangle are infinite.)

Richie >>:

А вы его училки не пробовали задать задачки Mathemat-а ? Я, было дело, над препедавателями физики и химии так подкалывался :)

Since my time, 'they' have changed some definitions

The wording of the simplest tasks can be ambiguous

Typography is printers' faults are common.

From the proposed 4 answers to choose one, but it's not there

but there's an option from the previous assignment.

I dread to think what will happen next

Mischek >>:
У меня перемена, я сечас не могу,со своим домашку делаю (1 класс) отдельная песня, слов нет ..

Huh... Wait, you don't know what solfeggio is in second grade at music school yet! It's a pure quint!

xeon >>:

а я за один раз неосилил )))

I haven't read since macroflex
granit77 >>:

Гы... Погоди, ты еще не знаешь, что такое сольфеджио во втором классе музыкалки! Чистая квинта!

He's a techie, he's not going to music and he's overloaded anyway.

Mischek, in the sense of a techno-techno-junior - he's a tehanalyst :) But seriously, I, for example, now I really wish I had started at the age of 6 or 7

all this stuff. Who knew then that things would turn in the direction of "market profile". The main thing is not to miss out on the years.

Richie >>:

Да сколько угодно, углов у треугольника - бесконечность :)

that's right! :-)
TheXpert >>:

Оригинальное :) . Спасибо за задачу, как все просто то...

Yes, it's pretty straightforward. My first answer was wrong.


ANSWER to problem #6, about the nut:


How could a metal nut float on water and jump out of a bucket? Everyone thought the nut was made of steel, but I didn't write that.

The nut is made of potassium. And how it happens is clearly seen in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kVOyqyt5UI

Unfortunately there is no video of the 100g piece, but the effect is much better there. I wouldn't advise repeating it - it's very dangerous.