[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 86


Mathemat писал(а) >>

Mark a point on each side of the square and erase the square itself. Reconstruct it.

Does the condition of the problem imply an exact geometrical solution by construction with a ruler and a compass?

Because I was beginning to have a vague suspicion that the problem has no exact solution...


Mischek, take it here, let everyone use it. Is this one right for you?

2 TheXpert: The decision, apart from that, needs to be justified. I have an idea, but it needs to be tested.

2 joo: now prove that it's an exact square.

xeon >>:
не, это не я, не я эту задачку придумал )

If there is also an individual developer of a criminal scam, then it is a group effort.

joo >>:

Сначала проводим отрезки красный и синий. Затем опускаем зеленый перпендикуляр к красному отрезку. Относительно зеленого строим перпендикуляры и параллельные стороны квадрата. Вариантов вроде только четыре получается. Один из четырех прямоугольников - квадрат. Нужен циркуль.


MetaDriver >>:

если есть ещё и отдельный разработчик преступной аферы, то это уже групповуха.

Thanks for the sikel, it's been a while since I got out from under the table
Mischek >>:

Спасибо за сикель, давненько не вылезал из под стола

Uh-huh ;)

MetaDriver >>:

если есть ещё и отдельный разработчик преступной аферы, то это уже групповуха.

so how many angles does a triangle have?

Mischek >>:

Спасибо за сикель, давненько не вылезал из под стола

I couldn't do it all in one go )))

Probably some invariant property of the family of rectangles circumscribed around a given convex quadrilateral (our four known points) must be used. It looks like they are all inscribed into the same circle. I could be wrong.

Mischek, you have a compass, check it out, eh? Do you need a ruler? Or do you need an angle?

Shit, it's a 9th grade problem!


Mathemat писал(а) >>

Man, that's a 9th grade problem!

This doesn't say anything about the complexity of the problem :) only about the tools used.

There are two options - either the solution is original, or tedious and huge, with a lot of additional constructions.