[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 77

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Mischek, where are you going? You're the only one who keeps this thread going...

P.S. I deleted my stupid hint, which can be understood as a rebuke.

Call Sveta, she will try. I'll ask her a problem too, but it won't be from the Internet, I'll think it up myself :)

Yurixx >>:

Сергей, а можешь ты процитировать условие, выделив в нем то, что считаешь некорректным ?

This is not an easy task, because the author has very cleverly chosen a set of "nested traps". An engineer or a physicist, or anyone else, will almost automatically "explain" the conditions to himself (by his experience), and the form of presentation is such that he will do it unnoticed and will be absolutely sure of his correctness. After all, they are obvious to everyone and a lot of people will argue with each other, while understanding under the same words completely different. Yury, your question - this is the same task only in reverse, ie it's another dozen unnecessary pages, giving nothing. Absolutely nothing.

So, Yuri, you can send me somewhere else to study. I am only too happy to. That's always helpful. Also, I'm sorry, but I still have to respond to your assertion that I'm "getting old". Maybe, but your situation is even worse - you seem to be getting angrier. Even if someone is suddenly wrong, due to some circumstances (most often a problem with terms), you cannot behave this way. No one has given you that right. And they may take away even what they have not been given :o). You may ask why - but I don't know, maybe just because of culture, maybe because of something else. Or maybe because, for example, even great ones make mistakes (the great Tesla came up with, let's say, not quite working things, on a par with genius ideas).

In general, sorry, there was the only interesting task of Alexis in the beginning, and we are kind of ruined everything. Anyway, I hope he's not too angry.

Farnsworth писал(а) >>

You know, Sergei, I can only advise you to learn one thing - if you say do it, do it. If you say the condition is incorrect, show me the place. I'm not even asking you to explain why, just show me. You can't? Then why did you have to shout about it on so many pages? By the way, I was not asking to continue an argument (already in the teeth), but just wanted to see if it really is incorrect. :-(

I think you'll have the same problem with my anger.

And, you know, you can say anything.

Yurixx >>:

Знаешь, Сергей, могу посоветовать тебе научиться только одному - если сказал, то сделай. Сказал, что условие некорректно, покажи это место. Даже не прошу объяснять почему, просто покажи. Не можешь ? Тогда зачем надо было на многих страницах об этом так кричать ? Кстати, спрашивал не для продолжения споров (уже в зубах навязло), а просто хотел посмотреть, может и вправду некорректно. :-(

Я думаю, что с моей злостью у тебя будут те же проблемы.

А сказать, знаешь ли, можно что угодно.

do you think the task is correct? - there are no questions and no need to argue and waste time

It seems, Seryoga, that you no longer understand Russian. Why is that?
Yurixx >>:
Похоже, Серега, что ты русский язык перестал понимать. С чего бы это ?

You don't seem to have read about what I've been 'shouting' about all this time. No Yuri - that's enough, it's getting to the point.

Good luck with that.


TASK #4:

Two identical cylinders are placed on a scale and connected with a hose (see figure).

Cylinder N1 is initially 40% full of liquefied Propane-Butane gas.

Cylinder N2 - initially filled with 60% Propane-Butane LPG.

The valves of both cylinders are opened.

Question: Which cylinder will weigh more after the pressure of the gases in the cylinders is equalized and the temperatures of the gases in the cylinders are the same?


Richie >>:


На весы поставили 2 одинаковых баллона и соединили их шлангом (см. рисунок).

Баллон N1 - изначально на 40% наполнен сжиженным газом "Пропан-Бутан".

Баллон N2 - изначально наполнен сжиженным газом "Пропан-Бутан" на 60%.

Вентили обоих баллонов открыли.

Вопрос: Какой из балонов будет весить больше после того, как давление газов в баллонах уравновесится и температура газов в баллонах станет одинаковой?



sanyooooook писал(а) >>


I'll give the right answer tomorrow, let the public think :)

Richie >>:

Правильный ответ дам завтра, пусть общественность подумает :)

If they were connected by a hose from underneath, then eventually their weights would equalise, but since the second was originally heavier, it will remain heavier