[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 57

Candid писал(а) >>

Gentlemen, you've definitely got the refrigerator and the air conditioner wrong. Are you suggesting that they take heat from the cold side and pump it to the warm side? In a sense this is true, but the efficiency of this process cannot be such that the balance is positive.

It depends on what you mean by efficiency. I said it is relative. Taking heat precisely from the cold side makes it warmer, figuratively speaking, than the warm side, i.e. the room.

Neutron >>:

Well, it's going to get higher.

I don't see why it won't

Neutron писал(а) >>

Why are you trying to bury yourself in a pile of all sorts of subtleties and minutiae? The question is crystal clear: Will there be an increase in surface temperature.

It doesn't matter that the possible increase is one billionth of a degree. What matters is that it will happen!

If you like, I can reformulate the condition to a match lit in the bowels of the cranium giant, Betelgeuse.

No, it won't. Gunpowder will give you 1 MJ, figuratively speaking, by burning cellulose nitrate (or a mixture of sulphur with saltpeter and coal), and it will take 1000 MJ of energy from the sun, to heat all those flue gases to 10 million degrees. Neutron, feel the difference.

Richie >>:

Нет, не произойдёт. Порох вам выдаст 1 МДж, образно говоря, за счёт сгорания нитрата целлюлозы (или смеси серы с селитрой и углём), а от солнца он заберёт 1000 МДж энергии, для нагрева всех этих дымовых газов до 10 млн. градусов. Neutron, почувствуйте разницу.


- want to be a millionaire?

- Thank you, God forbid.


Yes, it turns out that the temperature should drop. However, the flue gas, or rather plasma, is also fusion fuel, and it is very possible

it's very possible that the fusion reactions it enters will have a positive effect. So it is an ambiguous task.


to Neutron, Mathemat

Colleagues, I once again remind you that I am not at all arguing (and did not argue) about the possibility of taking off an aircraft from the conveyor belt, even if the belt travels at aeroplane speed, even if the belt travels at higher speed (but here the main thing is to have time to start and roll, before you fall off the conveyor belt :o). But we're looking at a specific problem with a specific condition. Without discussing take off/no take off, just tell us (if not difficult) how you would provide the specific problem condition.


Я согласен с Юрием, что тебе, как выпускнику МАИ, нужно бы помнить о таких тривиальных вещах и стараться поменьше напирать на интуицию, которая иногда подводит. Хотя, возможно, ты как-то особенно понимаешь условия задачи.

Seryoga, don't show off ahead of time :o)

Farnsworth, let's be specific, what exactly are the conditions?
Richie >>:

Химия не может обеспечить температуру, сравнимую с термоядерной.

Так, что задачка получается неоднозначная.

Definitely unambiguous. Let's assume that the sun does not need to expend its energy to heat the mass of the powder keg to ambient temperature. Let us simply have a release of energy in the centre of the sun.

Question: this emission will lead to an increase in the temperature of the surface of the star.

The question is not idle. In fact, when a star like our sun burns out its hydrogen fuel completely, it is replaced by helium cycle thermonuclear reactions. These are more energetic and occur at much higher temperatures in the interior. Our sun will inflate greatly and eventually swallow up the Earth's orbit. This will happen in 100 billion years, which is 5 times longer than the Sun has existed. But the question remains: will the surface temperature of this giant be greater than it is now?

Mischek wrote(a) >> Well it' s going to get higher.

>> Roger that!

Mischek >>:


Всё что выше абс.ноля -тепло

-10 по Цельсию вааще жара

Включенный в розетку 100 ватный вентилятор установленный в дырке в стене с удовольствием доставит огромное количество тепла из помещения где 100 град по цельсию

в соседнее помещение где 0 по цельсию

Ни вентилятор ни компрессор тепла не производят, они его переносят

This is called mass transfer and heat can only be transported in this uncomplicated way in one direction, from warm to cold. To transport it the other way, some additional work would have to be done on the mass. However, the question of return transport efficiency is probably worth reconsidering.

Richie >>:
Farnsworth, давайте конкретно, какие именно условия?

What are the other conditions

What did the pilot have for breakfast and what is his mother-in-law's name?

The wording is quite self-sufficient and needs no more