[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 52

Mischek писал(а) >>


Mischek, what is it called if it exists?

Richie >>:

Извиняюсь за неточную формулировку вопроса. Никаких дров. Никакого огня, газа, каменного угля, урана и т.п. Включаем прибор в розетку, потребляет 1 кВт, а тепла даёт на 1,5 кВт.

But the wording is still not sterile.

I thought it was a typo when I first came across it, so I looked it up...

Richie >>:

Mischek, а как он называется, если он существует?

I can do it in private, so as not to lose the intrigue.

There's a lot of explaining to do here, how and why.

And it doesn't stop with this one device.

Mischek писал(а) >>

I can do it in private, so as not to lose the intrigue.

There's a lot of explaining to do here, how and why.

And it doesn't stop with this one device.

I looked at the file. Yeah. You're right. Congratulations. That's exactly what I meant.


It must have something to do with chemical reactions. Where else would it get its energy from?

Mathemat писал(а) >>

It must have something to do with chemical reactions. Where else would it get its energy from?

No, no chemistry, pure physics. It only gets some of its energy from the socket.

Richie писал(а) >>

With intrigue? No problem:

Question: Can a heater consume 1 kW of electricity and still produce 1.5 kW of heat?

That's exactly what everyone is doing, and with a much higher efficiency than 1.5 to 1 :)

Integer писал(а) >>

That's exactly what everyone is doing, and with a much higher efficiency than 1.5 to 1 :)

The relative thermal efficiency of such a device is more than 100%, but purely theoretically it is almost 100%. Many people know the name of this appliance.

Richie >>:

Относительный тепловой КПД такого прибора более 100%, но чисто теоретически он почти равен 100%. Как этот прибор называется знают многие.

It must be the refrigerator... :)


But only a freshly plugged-in refrigerator will generate more heat than it consumes electricity. When the temperature in it stabilises, the "thermal efficiency" will again be =100%.

Well, at some point, the debt will have to be repaid - when the door is opened, for example. Or when you switch it off.