Classical analysis 'doesn't work'? - page 22


There is no such thing as Technical Analysis.

Technical Analysis is neither a science nor a theory.

The basic attributes of a science are the existence of a subject, a theory, laws. Who will name the Laws of TA? The laws of thermodynamics are constant for all times, they were valid yesterday, are valid and will be valid tomorrow. The laws of TA?

TA is classic False Theory.

"A theory that does not provide a set of conditions under which it would be considered wrong should be called quackery - it would be impossible to reject them otherwise. Why? Because an astrologer can always find a reason to adjust to a past event by saying that Mars was probably on the line, but not for too long (similarly, to me, a trader who has no point that would make him change his mind is not a trader). "

Nassim Taleb.

Interpret the words Astrologer and Mars into Technical Analyst and, for example, Moving Average.

You might as well see a correlation between the emergence of crop circles and the positive movement of the EURUSD exchange rate, which increases and then goes to zero. Full analogy with "crossing indicator lines in the past has given buying signals".

And it is silly to present any chart as an argument.

"Technical analysis is presented to all beginners as a real science, a powerful and effective tool, the use of which guarantees profit and complete security when working in financial markets. In reality, this is not so. Strictly speaking, technical analysis is not a science, a coherent system of knowledge. Rather, it is a collection of hypotheses (many of them authored by American farmers), which is constantly updated with new elements and rules, which are often blatantly advertising, serving as a way to sell traders their "truly correct" indicators and trading systems.

P.S. is particularly amused by the phrase "TA, which has already become a recognised area of statistics".

NiKkel >>:

You are far from the truth. If an "astrologer" does not see the laws of astrology, he is not an astrologer. Just like a trader, if he does not see the laws of the market, he is not a trader. And what makes you think that the laws of tharmodynamics will work everywhere and always.

there is no such thing as
there is astronomy as a science with laws, etc.
leman >>:

Вы далеки то истины. Если "астролог" не видит законов астрологии, это не астролог. Также как и трейдер, если не видит законов рынка, это не трейдер. И почему Вы решили что законы тармодинамики будут работать везде и всегда.

There are no laws in astrology. the problem with astrology is the existence of an infinite multiplicity of interpretations of a single phenomenon. just like in TA. there is no clear cause and effect relationship. hence pseudoscience.

The laws of thermodynamics apply to planet earth. they apply yesterday, today and tomorrow. i am not a physicist and cannot adequately judge the entire universe. formulate me the laws of TA with exceptions?
Tantrik >>:

Правильно! Это прогноз! Астрологический прогноз, прогноз рынка! А научное здесь слово - анализ - опыт - ведёться серия опытов, для набора статистики и возможно построения теории. А астрологический анализ бывает?

It happens, if you use meditative techniques, how the astrological analysis will contribute greatly to the effectiveness of the meditations

Analyse the original TA sources - they were really written by people with a distant view of higher education. All educated traders treat TA with great humour. I mean the real traders that Schwager, Taleb, Soros, Nidderhoffer and the like wrote about.
NiKkel >>:

законов астрологии не бывает. проблема астрологии в существовании бесконечной множественности интерпретаций одного явлени. точно также как и в ТА. отсутствует четкая причинно-следственная связь. следовательно - лженаука.

законы термодинамики действуют на планете Земля. действовали вчера, сегодня и завтра. я не физик и не могу судить адекватно о всей вселенной. сформулируйте мне законы ТА с исключениями?

Are you saying that our brain is not an electrochemical device?

Tantrik >>:

А законы то почти не доказаны! не про землю про звёзды чистая теория. А вдруг астрологические законы ещё не открыты?

Newton's mechanics DEMANDS the movement of the planets and the planets MOVE according to this mechanics and any astrophysicist can accurately predict WHERE Jupiter will be in a year. TA can accurately predict WHERE the price will be in an hour?
leman >>:

Вы хотите сказать, что наш мозг это не электрохимическое устройство?

I don't quite understand the logic of your question
Once again, the point is that TA is neither science nor theory. TA is a classic example of pseudoscience. TA is like trying to predict the behaviour of a running nuclear reactor from the core temperature graph, assuming that the core temperature graph contains all the available information about the reactor's operation. The graph is necessary, no doubt, but what does adding/subtracting/multiplying/splitting that graph and crossing the lines of the derivatives give you?