Equal lots in hedging instruments - page 7

RomanS >>:

Не поленитесь... откройте на демо 1 лот евробакса и 1,47 лота долларфранка поставьте на оном профит + 5 пунктов на другом стоплосс +5п. увидете разницу!!!!

Who is looking at the number of points? You have to look at the percentage and the cost per point.

TheXpert >>:

Кто же смотрит на количество пунктов? Смотреть надо на проценты и стоимость пункта.

Agreed!!! But it's a matter of principle here.... Which is the correct answer?

I think the answer to the question of the topicstarter is 0.102, i.e. almost the same lot

Mikhail believes the lot should be increased by almost 50%, i.e. 0.147.

Or are there other options?


RomanS писал(а) >>

Or are there other options?

of course there is,

alexx_v >>

there are at least two options here:

1. no lot;

2. whatever lot.


in the first and in the second case there is no sign of a hedge here

so where do you see hedge and hedge of what? you bought EURCHF or sold it, so what?

RomanS >>:

Согласен!!! Но тут дело принцепа.... Какой ответ правильнее?

What principle? Mikhail's answer is more correct, but also wrong. Actually, it's not the collateral, but the specification of the instruments and their relation. But for currency pairs at least, the difference between Michael's variant and the correct one will be minimal.
Apparently I am the only one who persists in trying to read the title of the thread as "Vomiting effect of hedging instruments". That buzz is there for a reason. (с)
TheXpert >>:
Ответ Михаила правильней...

So let me get this straight...

Michael's version

on the first position (eurobucks 0.1 lot) for example we have a loss of 100 points. i.e. -100 dollars in cash equivalent

on the second (baksofrank lot 0.147) for example have a profit of +100 points. i.e. 0.147 * 100 = 143 francs that in dollars will be about +138 dollars (at the rate of 1.03)

there is a difference of 38 quid! (+138 -100 = 38)

My variant

On the first position (eurobucks 0.1 lot), for example, we have a loss of -100 points. i.e. -100 quid in cash equivalent

on the second (baksofrank lot 0.103) for example have a profit of +100 p. i.e. 0.103 * 100 = 103 francs, which in dollars will be exactly +100 quid

no difference :)

That's what I mean!!! pure mathematics, although the question can be argued any way...

Corrected the previous post
RomanS >>:

Так давайте разберемся...

Вариант Михаила

по первой позе (евробакс лот 0,1) к примеру имеем убыток -100п. т.е. -100 баксов в денежном эквиваленте

на второй (баксофранк лот 0,147) к примеру имеем прибыль +100п. т.е. 0,147*100 = 143 франков что в долларах составит примерно +138 бакса (по курсу 1,03)

есть разница??? есть на 38 баксов!!! (+138 -100 = 38)

Мой вариант

по первой позе (евробакс лот 0,1) к примеру имеем убыток -100п. т.е. -100 баксов в денежном эквиваленте

на второй (баксофранк лот 0,103) к примеру имеем прибыль +100п. т.е. 0,103*100 = 103 франков что в долларах составит ровно +100 баксов

разницы нет :)

Вот я о чем!!! чисто математика, хотя этот вопрос можно мусолить по всякому...

First you need to have the correct forums, and just substitute the values and get the answer. Just at a 3rd grade level.

I called to figure it out here - https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/123270, but you're too lazy to figure it out :) But not too lazy to scrub :) 7 pages already.

SProgrammer >>:

Для начала вам надо иметь правильные форулы, и просто подставить значения и получить ответ. ПРОСТО на уровне 3-его класса.

Я звал разобратся тут - https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/123270, но вам разбираться лень :) Но не лень тереть :) уже 7 странц

SProgrammer, we can't find an answer to an elementary question... And you want to answer all at once, and with a lot of obscure formulas in the first post, you have to figure them out, I do not know ... I thought there wouldn't be more than two posts in this thread, I didn't think it would take this long :)

SProgrammer >>:

Для начала вам надо иметь правильные форулы, и просто подставить значения и получить ответ. ПРОСТО на уровне 3-его класса.

Я звал разобратся тут - https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/123270, но вам разбираться лень :) Но не лень тереть :) уже 7 странц

Are you too lazy to be specific here?

In that thread you've been fighting again, we're too lazy to go there and don't want to.)