Richie писал(а) >>

I wanted to. But, no one ever did.

>> so, wake up... :) - >> what are you waiting for?

Richie >>:

Почему большинство трейдеров сливает депозиты?

Вопрос такой: почему большинство трейдеров-программистов не могут понять закономерности изменения цен
инструментов в такой степени, чтобы на этом можно было бы длительное время хорошо зарабатывать

Because they are looking in the wrong place. Gambling should not be confused with investment. Investments bring income, but the pursuit of adrenaline brings losses. Those who come to the market to show how clever they are, that they have not studied, do not know, and yet you have more money.... he is the one who loses. The meaning of investment is to do good. Help those who need money with money. Who is not a beggar, but a hard worker. He can make good use of your money and multiply it. It doesn't matter where you invest it. Public or private business. Your job is to help those who can help themselves, but don't have enough money to do so. They have it, they can do it without you, but they will do it many times faster with your money. It helps to find such a hard worker through fundamental analysis and because you are a hard worker yourself, and you understand the difference between a hard worker and a parasite.
And if your task is to rob everyone with whom you do business, then you will get the same response.
That's the pattern. Don't turn the market into a roulette, but do good things and good things will pay off.

Trut >>:


А если твоя задача обобрать каждого с кем имеешь дело, то тебе ответят тем же.

Вот и все закономерности. Не превращай рынок в рулетку, а твори добро, добро окупится.

I agree 100%. Good begets good, evil begets evil.

Neveteran >>:

Получите .......................

Существуют два непримиримых лагеря. И эта ветка очередное подтверждение тому. Одни считают, что движение цен носит неслучайный, предсказуемый характер. Достаточно только выявить все причинно-следственные связи, и будущую цену можно предсказать. Другие убеждены в том, что цены предсказывать нельзя, их движение хаотично.

Две модели поведения цен

Если трейдер считает движение цен предсказуемым и неслучайным процессом, то приходит к выводу, что можно найти «волшебную формулу», на ее основе построить очень эффективную торговую систему и получать регулярный большой доход. Не секрет, что большинство занимается этим всю жизнь и так и не находит путь к богатству.

Считая движение цен случайным процессом, трейдер к анализу графиков цен подходит с вероятностных позиций, не пытаясь предсказывать будущие цены. Графики цен он использует для управления капиталом. В любом случае оба подхода – это только две различные модели поведения цен.

Рассмотрим несколько аргументов в пользу модели случайного изменения цен. Для этого, используя генератор случайных чисел таблиц Excel, попытаемся воспроизвести график цен. Вначале сгенерируем данные в таблице, а затем с помощью операции импортирования построим графики в MetaStock.


Randomness does not exist. All phenomena are deterministic. There is a great irrefutable law of this Great Universe which states that


This means that

cause + condition = result

A condition is a Law. The law of change of cause into result. That is, if there is some reason, but all the necessary conditions have not been met (not gathered), in other words, the law of change of cause into the result does not exist.

Conversely, no matter how many necessary conditions exist (law of change), but if the cause is absent, the phenomenon does not occur.

If to follow further, any of the available necessary conditions and the cause itself is the result of the same law, namely

cause + condition = result

So it was and so it will be since the beginningless past, the past without beginning.

And CONDITION is a pure abstraction. A simplified model of reality. An assumption. It does not exist just as there is no 'point', just as there is no 'ideal gas' etc etc. They "exist" in the mind, in geometry, in physics, etc. etc.

By the way, the "random number generator", on results of which you base your far-reaching conclusions, in fact, is not a generator of "random", but of pseudorandom numbers, and there is a very big difference between them. You will ask what is it? The answer is.

A pseudo-random number generator exists, but a "random number generator" does not.

ratnasambhava писал(а) >>

I agree 100%. Good begets good, evil begets evil.

Can a scumbag have a child who is a good person, do you think?
ratnasambhava писал(а) >>


This means that

cause + condition = result

The condition is the Law. The law of change of cause into result. That is, if there is a cause, but all the necessary conditions are not met (not collected), in other words, there is no law of change of the cause into the result, then there will be no result.

And EVENT is a pure abstraction. A simplified model of reality. An assumption. It does not exist just as there is no 'point', just as there is no 'ideal gas' etc etc. They "exist" in the mind, in geometry, in physics, etc. etc.

A pseudo-random number generator exists, but a "random number generator" does not.

The law of cause and effect - the Law of Karma exists both for one person and for the entire market, country ......

What is the practical use? Besides randomness there is also freedom of choice.


depends on the degree of influence on the child, if 100% - all their lives together until adulthood then .........

Richie >>:
А у подонка может быть ребёнок хорошим человеком, как вы думаете?
Richie писал(а) >>
Can a scumbag have a child who is a good person, do you think?
More good children will come from (troubled parents) clear example fosters.

ratnasambhava, your reasoning is purely theoretical. One can argue endlessly that randomness has no place in the universe. But man does not know all causes.

Let's consider that the chance is a human invention for the case when he does not know all the reasons. All right, let this invention be illegal. But after all the man still needs to do something to work with the processes, all causes of which he does not really know.


Excuse me, Matemat, I respect you as long as you don't start talking about your world view.
because you can't take anyone who starts that subject seriously.

it's taboo.

Either you would no longer be able to get a gun permit, in which case this is your topic

or it's time to get on the books and everything else .....