denis_orlov >>:
А вы так уверены, что "цены двигают люди", если точно такие же паттерны получаются там, где их никто не двигает, фактически на пустом месте без стремлений, борьбы и человеко-двигателей?..

What did you come up with man... If not humans, then robots for sure...))

nikost >>:

Да! Кто-нибудь помнит самого удачного бизнесмена 70 х 80 х.Где Ходорковский и другие?Меняются элиты и исчезает
удача у первых и пояляется у последних.Судьба клана Кеннеди самый известный пример 20 го века.Сливают все,как только меняются условия...

I think the living members of the Kennedy clan are still doing quite well... understandably everything flows and everything dies and capital flows from pocket to pocket, but those who know how to save their wealth stay and the dough is passed on from generation to generation, millionaires rarely become poor... but some do drain always


Richie 11.01.2010 16:32

Why do most traders lose deposits?

They base their trading on time's patterns. Multiplied by the mindset of a loser and the psyche of a child bitten by a dog.

ZS traders don't lose:)

1) mental instability destabilizes good management in a rational trading system (and if it (TS) is unpromising?)
2) greed and search for "the least resistance" (I'd rather bomb all my deposits and have a rest; many people like to bomb a little in loss-model situations without expecting it)
3) sub-optimal settings, the market changes quickly but not everyone can find the right possible-right(most likely) windows.
NTH писал(а) >> Build a trade based on time's patterns......

What are your suggestions?


А какие у вас предложения?

You are putting the cart before the horse, a person with average thinking and the psyche of a moronic housewife cannot; acquire understanding, transform it into knowledge and apply it, time after time eventually earning it. Soros has pointed this out as well.

And about the laws, in addition to temporal, there are so-called fundamental, just because of the formatted logic and low awareness, they are not seen and do not understand how to make money on them.
NTH >>:
Вы телегу ставите впереди лошади, не может человек со среднестатистическим мышлением и психикой придурафашной домохозяйки; обрести понимание, трансформировать его в знание и применять, раз за разом в итоге зарабатывая. На это ещё Сорос указал.

А по поводу закономерностей, то помимо вре'менных, есть так называемые фундаментальные, просто ввиду форматированной логики и невысокой осознанности, их в упор не видят и тем более не понимают как на них заработать.

Soros? And Lenin said a cook could do it!

So who's cooler? Soros only brought down the pound and Lenin brought down the empire!


paukas, what are your suggestions?

I have only one suggestion: a correct MM calculation and do not guess, follow the market by small goals, with stops for news and various incomprehensible, but people with 100 quid doing fundamental analysis, trying to understand information on annual charts, and trade on five-minute charts: like knowing the structure of the "shuttle" and repairing bicycles :)