Richie >>:

Да это понятно. Между прочим интересная вещь получается:

Всё, довольный иду спать.
Вывод: цена в период времени N представляет собой значение предыдущей цены в период времени N-1, которое было незначительно изменено случайным образом :)

You can trade on this chart! )))
great topic, it's a Sunday morning and you can rack your brains :)
I'm not saying that a chart made by a random selection of numbers is similar to a real market rate.
why a chart based on random numbers follows the same laws as the real market rate ????
look at the chart with the elementary laws of the market trend, support rises-resistance falls, and the chart shows trends :)
you change the chart and history repeats itself, what is this?
It's no big deal, Turka, just don't bother. Just take it in, that's all. If you ask yourself unnecessary "why" questions, you will lengthen your way to the "how".
Mathemat писал(а) >>
No big deal, Turka, just don't bother. Just take it in, that's all. Asking yourself "why" will lengthen your path to the "how".

Show me someone who's made it?
His megachurch (advisor), even one?
Not just writing programmes to "dreamers", but someone who has reached?

Mathemat >>:
Да ничего особенного, Turka, просто не заморачивайся. Прими это к сведению - и всё. Будешь задавать себе лишние вопросы "почему" - удлинишь свой путь к "как".

Without an answer to the "why" any "how" will only be an accident, then you'll talk about how "the market has changed and a great system has sunk everything".


Is it possible to create a checklist-type program? Until I have filled in all the required items, the order will not open.

Richie >>:

Всё, довольный иду спать.
Вывод: цена в период времени N представляет собой значение предыдущей цены в период времени N-1, которое было незначительно изменено случайным образом :)

in other words: the behaviour of currency pairs is random - conclusion: short-term forecasts, with small profits, can be predicted randomly. :), and if the trading strategy is based on the theory of probability, then the probability of a successful transaction should be 50/50. And taking into account the fact that forex users are only able to trade on margin, the probability of a successful transaction decreases several times, i.e. for the point: those traders who make a lot of transactions lose!

I have been testing for a few months a trading strategy with small target profit (target profit) and large stop loss, with 2 trades per day - 100% success over 2 months, and with more trades - the best result - no profit, but also no loss, for the sake of interest I checked in the DC Marketiva. I should agree right away that time of order placement is very important, I always place my order at 11 p.m. Moscow time and at 7 a.m.

Has anybody noticed how the Gold/USD chart behaves on a minute chart during an active EUR/USD change? - If Gold/USD starts to change the trend, the EUR/USD chart just stands still. Is it a random phenomenon? Or does analysing the chart, on the minutes, of Gold/USD make sense?

As soon as currencies start to strictly correlate with gold or oil or with the SIMPLE PRODUCT.
The dollar and the euro are screwed...

nikost >>:

Как только валюты начнут строго кореллировать с золотом или нефтью или с ПРОСТЫМ ПРДУКТОМ.сопределенным коэффициентом.
Доллару и евро трындец...

I'm not looking for a "commodity for commodity" connection(c) - I'm interested in analyzing the duration of the short-term trend based on Gold/USD movement
Richie >>:

Всё, довольный иду спать.
Вывод: цена в период времени N представляет собой значение предыдущей цены в период времени N-1, которое было незначительно изменено случайным образом :)

Nice work. Respect.

Completely random increment creates beautiful "price" charts, with all the classic shapes...
All classical technical analysis is just an illusion, because it doesn't reveal any organised structure, because it might as well reveal that "structure" on a completely random chart.
So the market is random? No. The chart is random, and the market has its own external forces, which are mainly psychological.
Let's say there is a drop of price built by chance, and the crowd sees, assumes that at the level where it fell from, the price has found a good offer - this increases the probability that it will sell there again, and the price will fall again.

So all that remains is the VARIABILITY. Reinforced by psychology, and weakened by the uncertainty of economic factors, which also leads to a psycho-reaction.
So why are traders losing money? Because they believe in the INCREDIBLE. Pun intended, gentlemen...