Urain писал(а) >> that's what the DaCs do.

That's another question....)))

Aknim >>:

Потому что процесс изменения цены случаен и не имеет закономерностей.

Тот кто сейчас хочет возризить и полагает, что некие закономерности есть и он их нашел - очевидно должен уже на них заработать миллионы и может сейчас покатать нас на собственном, приобретенном на средства от форекса лимузине, яхте, самолте...

Поэтому, пока вы не можете этого сделать, не заявляйте, что закономерности есть и вы их нашли.

По этой же причине разные светлые умы, в том числе этого форума, супер-пупер MQL программеры вместо того, чтобы найти закономерности и зарабатывать на них самим - не делают этого, а довольствуются грошами за написания кода для тех, кто еще надеется и верит...

People who claim that the price change process is random are Cretins. Because if they were not, they would have found consistent patterns of price changes, and hence would not have argued that the price change process is random.

If the people who argue that the process of price change is random find that they are Critics, they continue to be Critics because they have discovered that they are Critics. If they don't find out that they are critical, in five (10, 15, 20 ...) years, they will still be critical, because they say that the process of price change is random.

C-4 писал(а) >>

>> cool. Cretin means "idiot" in psychology, the reason is lack of thyroid hormones :)
About randomness: traders are not one, not two, not ten, there are millions of them. Imagine a bucket of river sand, figuratively speaking.
By the way, who knows the difference between a retard and an idiot?
Degree of mental retardation. It turns out that most of us are retards, not idiots :)

I will continue, if no one is offended:
Let a normal, pouring trader like Shura Elder be the average normal person, psychologically speaking.
Then it turns out that most of us suffer from mental retardation (in psychology, oligophrenia).
There is no precise assessment of the degree of oligophrenia, unfortunately, but there are symptoms, if I may say so:
- poor memory;
- underdevelopment of speech;
- uncritical thinking;
- various forms of perception of reality;
- emotional instability;
- inadequate behaviour;
- attention deficit disorder;
Now imagine yourself in Shura Elder's shoes :))))

I'll give you my five cents.

I generally agree with Svinozavr.
It only makes sense to work in the forex market following the trend. Working against (on the rebound, ie) - 100% plum, it's just a matter of time.
This is proven by my 3 lost deposits. "Only following the trend" seems to be a well-known truth... But I came to it after 2 years.
Now I am testing an Expert Advisor that trades with trends and on large timeframes. Testing on history shows that on average no more than 5-10 trades are executed per year.
This is why it is especially funny to read posts of scalpers who supposedly have stable income of 10-1000% per month. Setting a Stop Loss of 10 points and Take Profit of 20 points. I do not believe in these fairy tales.

I'm not interested in news either. It's nothing.
Firstly, their influence on large timeframes is significant. Secondly, one and the same news on one and the same tool with a similar forecast works out differently. What is the point?
Bicus писал(а) >>
I'll give you my five cents.

I agree with Svinozavr on the whole.
It makes sense to work on Forex only on the trend....

Imagine that you "stood up" in the trend, and it stopped :))) And a new one began, in the opposite direction :))).
Where is the guarantee of continuation of the trend? There is none.

Richie >>:

Вот представьте, "встали" вы по тренду, а он взял и закончился :)) И начался новый, в обратную сторону :))
Где гарантия продолжения тренда? Её нет.

"And there is even worse: a man is going to go to Kislovodsk, - here the foreigner squinted at Berlioz, - a seemingly trifling matter, but he cannot even do it, because who knows why he suddenly slips and is hit by a tram!

It's all for naught. I mean arguments. Work as hard as you can...

Svinozavr писал(а) >>

.... It's all empty. I mean the arguments. Work your way through it...

Not many people read Bulgakov. That's what I'm talking about :))

Is it trending or counter-trending? - If you aim for a gap of about 10 pips, it makes no difference :)
But the time frame means a lot, many people simply do not have the patience, that is why they lose their orders
Richie >>:

Вот представьте, "встали" вы по тренду, а он взял и закончился :)) И начался новый, в обратную сторону :))
Где гарантия продолжения тренда? Её нет.

There is no guarantee, of course. But the trend is more likely to continue than to reverse. And one should not enter at extremums, but in corrections.

I did not write my post for the purpose of argument. For me this question is already closed.