
There is an entrance to the labyrinth. Its location is known to all. The way out is found by few.
Is it possible to accidentally find the shortest path in the labyrinth? Yes. But it's highly unlikely.
On your way through the labyrinth, you meet "gurus". Gurus are those who sort of know where the way out of the labyrinth is.
However, it turns out that they cannot follow this path themselves. For different reasons. Each guru has his own reasons
. Therefore, they offer other traders to follow their way. Of course, they do not do it for free.
Gurus are of 2 types: fools and cheaters. Scammers, unlike fools, are well aware that
"card" they sell to traders is a mere paper and deserves only a one-time use
in the toilet. Fools - they think they know, in fact they know nothing, but with great persistence
try to convince traders of the correctness of their knowledge.
One of the varieties of "gurus" is "Moses" aka "Vani Susanin" aka "Chiefs". Their peculiarity
is that they go along with traders. On their way they take their "shavings" for "paving the way",
that is "live".
There are many dead ends along the trader's way. Many branches that he/she passes do not lead anywhere at all
- they are false, and he/she has to come back.
Every time when the trader reaches a deadlock of the labyrinth, he or she thinks: this is it, this is it, there is no way out of this
damned labyrinth. And the trader has no desire to look for the way out.
For some traders this vanishes forever. For others - for a time, until a new portion of money appears, for example.
Many of those few who have found the way out of the labyrinth, begin to write "memoirs". In their "memoirs",
, they talk about how difficult their lot was, how hard they worked to find their way out of the labyrinth.
The "memoirs" usually begin with a "thank you" where the narrators thank everyone for finding a way out
, from the stinking dumbass who died of fleas 30 years ago to the Lord God,
kingdom of heaven, pardon his blasphemy.
An important section of the "memoirs" is a table of bean prices in the 80s. This is very important for traders.
Trading without beans is impossible.
The main purpose of the "memoirs" is to show off. Having shown off, they calm down. Some of them go to the graveyard for good, at
of old age. Others - for a while, until the money received for their "memoirs"
is cast in line with these "memoirs".
How do you find your way out of a labyrinth? There is a simple way of finding your way out of any labyrinth.
It is simple in theory only. However, its practical implementation requires patience, much
effort and time.
One must always follow one wall, wherever it may lead.
Sooner or later this wall will lead to the exit from the labyrinth.
You can only find the way out of the labyrinth by walking the labyrinth. He who does not go is incapable of finding it
. The trader, who wants to find the way out of the labyrinth, must be able to admit his mistakes,
admit that the way he has been going for some time is wrong, he must go back.
Can several traders walking together find the way faster than one trader? I doubt it.
Exactly because they are walking together. Scolding, arguing, proving to each other the rightness of their way.
However, if there is a group of traders, each of them goes their own way, makes mistakes, and warns
other traders about it, then the probability of finding a way out of the labyrinth increases. But, will share
information with other traders who have found the way out and seen the glitter of the holy grail?
Probably not.
continuation is possible only after a hangover....:)

Richie >>:



Как найти выход из лабиринта? Существует простой способ нахождения выхода из любого лабиринта.
Простой он лишь теоретически. Однако, его практическое выполнение требует терпения, большого
количества сил и времени.
Он заключается в том, что нужно всегда идти вдоль одной стены, куда бы она ни вела.
Рано или поздно эта стена приведёт к выходу из лабиринта.

продолжение возможно только после опохмеления....:)


And the doggy (s) does a pretty good job of burning when he's not snacking. =)

I'm writing my new verse to keep the tone of this ever-evolving thread going:

About the stock exchange barely
Questions my brain was bubbling
Only two questions were there
How do I start? and where was I?
I was gullible, young, stupid
I clicked my mouse here and there
I bumped into forex club
The door to all my dreams
How exciting it is, just creepy
Everybody plays against everybody
I can fool the market
I'll be a big success.
They'll tell you what's what
Here, Murphy, Williams - read
All the "why?" questions are answered by Elder
Look it up
Bill Williams is a frayed charlatan
Fooling kids' brains
Cunning as an old fox - shaitan
Guru for all sorts of minnows
"Saddle up the first wave
And you'll be happy - I swear
And to define it
Read my little book
I'll give you magic bullets
To shoot the market you can
Read and become your own
And a director and God.
But I never became God
I just added a load of problems
I chose with my heart
I chose with the wrong hemisphere.

♪ How to make it simple
♪ Tom Joseph shared with me
♪ To make sure I didn't miss a thing
♪ Fisher joined in
♪ You do as we say
♪ Believe me, baby, there's no other way ♪
♪ Di Napoli echoed them ♪
♪ Fibonacci numbers can do anything
♪ I was hot, I was desperate, I was bold
♪ I was raring to go ♪
♪ I never noticed it ♪10 ♪ I was hooked on a stock market needle ♪
I spun a little spinner
Peacock feathers blown
I raised my uncle's dollars
I hurriedly started to play
Bulls on horns
Bears clucking their paws
An insider's knife hand...
and sheep crying pitifully
Huge market like an elephant
Like a hoover sucking up dough.
Currency, futures, options
I have to beat it.
I'm dizzy with knowledge
Tell the truth - my skull is crushing
Two months of searching passed
But I was still losing money
Having suffered I suddenly decided
I'll never get happiness
Not to waste more effort
I decided to buy happiness
Here Frankus like from the ground
Oh! I'm a big expert
Buy my analyses
I'm the best forecaster
Listen to my trading plan
Here are candles, levels, here is the entrance...
And I don't feel cheated
He believed me. # E-di-ot
# I scratched my head and scrunched my forehead #
# Called myself a sheep #
# But I couldn't figure it out #
# Where did I go wrong? #
How could I be deceived?
Frankus told me affectionately
You screwed up the trade plan
You're a disciplinarian!
What things have I overlooked?
He slyly explained to me:
"you misread the candlestick combination
I was offended with him
I wrote a rebuke to the forum
But the moderator, damn it...
cut out my posts.
I was branded a disgrace
Now I'm like a bone in the throat
And what did he not like
my simple-hearted nickname Guest?
I realize I'm a fool.
But how do I stop being one?
What am I doing wrong?
What book should I buy?

What do you want, figure it out

And don't rush, make up your mind.
♪ so I don't lose my whole deposit ♪
♪ I thought I'd take a little break ♪
♪ go to the local bars ♪
♪ distract myself somehow ♪
♪ I drank for two weeks... ♪
Cognac, girls - a blessing.
I was still rattling in my head
And I sat down to read again
Bore my soul into darkness
To seek the Holy Grail
Lebo and Lucas, and Demarque
And similar lame
Then there was Gallagher and Chand
Akelis, Andrews, Nyman was
And Schwager - thick folio
I killed a whole month
I became slouch almost hunched over
Dioptres added to glasses
And then continued to read.
On my inflamed pupils
Momentum, Bolinger, MA
Lying down a motley veil
Lots of shit
I reread that time
Tenkan, kinjun, senkou-span
Golden, dead crosses
It seemed Hosoda-san himself
winked at me from the darkness
It seemed about time
My sadness would dissipate
And finally in spite of my enemies
I would find the Holy Grail
Alas and ah, - solid mud
From the bottom of those template ideas
To penetrate the marketplace
I started looking for other people.
Have the courage to be a pig
George Soros the wise taught
About the reflexive world-badass
He chewed me up in detail
His "Secrets of Mastery"
Van Tharp told me without concealing
How the Market Makers Bros
Screwed the foolish me.
Williams again, but different
In short, a goose is not a brother to a pig.
I poked my long term hand
To where to trade briefly.
I'm a sucker for technical analysis
Niederhoffer explained it to me
And Nassim Taleb explained it to
accidental fools
It's time to quit
But I kept telling myself to fight it
And I kept reading
Vince reassured me
Sonny don't mess with the market
It like a dictator rules everything
And to save capital
Follow MM rules
Every moron should know
Vince taught me:
"With a book like this, not even a complete moron can lose
I started trading again
And my account was slowly growing
But my inner voice again
Asked me a tricky question
Who do you want to beat?
Barclays, maybe Solomon?
♪ Or do you want to be a Soros
♪ And make a billion dollars? ♪
♪ won't be happy for long ♪
♪ it's time to feed the moose ♪
♪ leave your naive dreams ♪
♪ it's not your game ♪
But I didn't listen to him
I'm an addict. I'm on the needle
I only need one thing
Stay in the game forever
I could rhyme lines
Giving girls sweet nonsense
Who knows? If you press
I might be a poet.
Let me close for all the ignorant
Blessed is he who believes in himself
I have given up hope
So who am I?
A little bear, a little bull
Sometimes I become a pig
I understood and understood a lot
And I will never be a sheep again.
Maybe someone
Useful my lesson
And he will leave this way,
And I turn on Metastock...
My destiny, my verdict
I need to get my kicks
Maybe I'm like Livermore
I'll say "life's a failure"
I look at myself with sadness
I - can't live without a game
And nervously rubbing my mouse
I know. I can't get off the needle.

Mathemat >>:

Не так и много нужно, чтобы заложить туда все хрени, какие только возможно, чтобы не дать никому стабильно обыгрывать рынкет. Достаточно, чтобы весь процесс с учетом известной информации был мартингалом.

How serious (is it serious enough) is the statement?

Richie писал(а) >>



There is an entrance to the labyrinth. Its location is known to all. The exit is found by few.
Is it possible to accidentally find the shortest path through the labyrinth? Yes. But it's highly unlikely.

Great ....

Maximus_genuine писал(а) >>

I'm writing my new verse to keep up the momentum of this ever-fading branch:

"I barely knew about the stock market.
♪ I had my mind bubbling with questions ♪
¶¶ There were only two questions ¶¶
>> how do I start? >> and where was I?

I wish I could break it down into verse !!!!!!


1. We go to the shop. The television costs 30,000 roubles. The shop will only get 4,500 roubles from its sale.
only 4,500 rubles, that's 15%. The shop doesn't even try to get 1,500 per cent from the sale of the television.
1,500 percent. None of its managers even think of doing that.
After buying a television for 25,500 roubles, the shop sells it for 30,000 roubles.
No one thinks of the question: who is cleverer the shop or the buyer.

2. Forex. Dezl "A....." gets 16 pips from opening a EURUSD position, i.e. with a lot of 0.1
he will get $1.6. Trader Pupkin, meanwhile, dreams to receive 320 points from this position, i.e. 1900%
more than broker "Daetzl".
Question: Who is smarter, trader Pupkin or broker Datzla?

Richie писал(а) >>

1. ... -
2. Forex. Dezl "A....." gets 16 pips from opening a EURUSD position, i.e. with a lot of 0.1
he gets $1.6. Trader Pupkin, meanwhile, dreams to receive 320 points from this position, i.e. 1900%
more than broker "Daetzl".
The question is: who is smarter, trader Pupkin or broker Datzla?

That's not how everyone works. MM is used so as never to lose, but the point is to make a profit.

Or at least the deposit grows steadily. I think we should look for a solution in time . If you manage to make a profit

If you manage to make profit with a certain type of market, then you should trade during that period of time which the trader understands.


hiton, alas, any time can present any surprise, trading time is only a small part of the system :))