aero >>:

paukas, pls уточните, о месячной ли доходности вы говорили?

When they talk about profitability, they talk about the annual. It's an ancient custom, you know.

Richie >>:

Я говорил о двух. На счёт второго - точно не знаю. Первый - живёт сейчас в США и живёт неплохо.

Подробности тут - gerchik.ru/about/biography

I have completely different information about Herczyk's returns.

paukas писал(а) >>

I have completely different information.

Apparently there is no accurate information for any professional trader.

However, this is one of the few cases where the "object" speaks for itself.

Richie >>:

Судя по всему точных сведений нет для любого профессионального трейдера.

Однако, это один из немногих случаев, когда "объект" говорит сам.

Can we listen to the conversation? Do you have a link?

Richie >>:

Хорошо, задам вопрос иначе.

На этом форуме есть люди, которые за последние год "налили" более 200% на реальном счете?

It depends on the amount of money in the account. When I first started doing forex... I used to dabble. I remember increasing the deposit fourfold in a couple of days.

And even if I had lost every penny I wouldn't have been too upset.

Richie >>:

Судя по всему точных сведений нет для любого профессионального трейдера.

Однако, это один из немногих случаев, когда "объект" говорит сам.

I listened to this "subject" on Broko radio. Talked to Gurov. If I'm not mistaken, Gerchik said

that he now considers it normal for him to double the depot in a year.

Richie >>:

Судя по всему точных сведений нет для любого профессионального трейдера.

Однако, это один из немногих случаев, когда "объект" говорит сам.

Many people make money by demonstrating a separate piece of success story - the "contest effect".

In other words, someone wins the lottery once, and then convinces everyone around them that they can win like that every time.

See the "hunter" character in An Ordinary Miracle.

paukas писал(а) >>

Can we listen to the conversation? Is there a link?

There were a lot of links before he made an effort. Almost everything's been deleted from the internet, just the names left. But maybe you'll be lucky enough to find one.

But I don't think he's doing that kind of interest now. When you have a lot of money, you do not need such interest. Besides, it's a lot easier to trade

the stock market is much easier than the currency market.

ZEXEL66, I'm talking about a long period of time. I've had periods where I've made 50% a month in pipsips.

then it all piled up, which is why I'm on the lookout for "reliability".

VictorArt писал(а) >>

Many people make money by demonstrating a separate piece of success story - the "contest effect".

In other words, someone wins the lottery once, and then convinces everyone around them that they can win like that every time.

See the "hunter" character in An Ordinary Miracle.

And worst of all, if this someone starts teaching other traders how they should work or telling them how "hard work"

he got that money from.


I would like to ask a few more questions in the meantime:


Question one: Is it possible, using only technical analysis tools (indicators), to earn good money on the currency forex market for a long time?


Question two

: Is

it possible, using only the theory of probability,

to make good money in


over a long period of time?