ZEXEL66 писал(а) >>

10% per month is a 3x (slightly more) increase in the depot over a year.

Bottom line:

Good toys). It seems simple...but those who plan to earn 10% every month as standard...will always be flown in.

ZEXEL66, well don't take seriously what Comrade "military" wrote. 10%/m is 313%/year.

And about the stability of 10% - we know professional traders who have earned 10 to 30% per month in the recent past,

They have been doing it for several years, though it was not in the foreign exchange market, but in the stock market.

Richie писал(а) >>

ZEXEL66, well, don't take what a fellow "military man" wrote seriously. 10%/m is 313%/g.

And as for the stability of 10% - there are professional traders who have earned between 10 and 30% per month in the recent past,

And it has been going on for several years, although it wasn't in the foreign exchange market, but in the stock market.

So what happened to them? Did they earn more? :))

paukas писал(а) >>

And what became of them? Did they finish their work? :))

I was talking about two. I don't know about the second one. The first one lives in the US now and is doing quite well.

Details here - gerchik.ru/about/biography

ZEXEL66 писал(а) >>

10% per month is a 3x (slightly more) increase in the depot over a year.


--1 year $3,000

--2 year $9000

-3 year $27,000

--4 year $81,000

--5 year $243000

-6 year $729,000

--7 year Hooray!

Good toys). It seems simple...but those who plan to earn 10% every month as standard...will always be flown in.

With an initial capital of 1000 and a yield like this, reinvesting earlier in the year will not work. So it's not worth dreaming about 3 thousand income in the first year.

PapaYozh >>:

При начальном капитале 1000 и такой доходности реинвестировать ранее года не получится. Поэтому о 3х тысячах дохода в первый год мечтать не стоит.

Why won't it work?

ZEXEL66 писал(а) >>

Why won't it work?

Because you won't get an even return. That is, probably speaking of a monthly return of 10%, you should mean that it will be between 5% and 15%, for example.

As long as you are operating at the frontier of reinvestment capacity, profits accumulate more slowly and are lost more quickly. This leads to the fact that you will stay at the reinvestment limit longer than expected. So it is better to take care of some excess funds before you start reinvesting.

PapaYozh >>:

Потому что Вы не получите равномерную доходность. Т.е., вероятно, говоря о ежемесячной доходности 10%, стоит подразумевать, что она, к примеру, будет от 5-ти до 15-ти %.

Пока вы работаете на границе возможности реинвестирования, прибыль накапливается медленнее, а теряется быстрее. Это приводит к тому, что на границе начала реинвестирования Вы пробудете дольше предполагаемого времени. Поэтому лучше позаботиться о некотором избытке средств перед началом реинвестирования.

I disagree. A $1000 deposit is fully sufficient. In Broko, for example, lots 0.01 With a competent MM this deposit will never be killed. With it you can, at 10% a month,

you can reinvest right away. My post was not about that (you have to assume that it will be, for example, from 5% to 15%.), but about the fact that a stable 10% per month, having

1000$, is not a toy, as it was written above, but crazy money.

ZEXEL66 писал(а) >>

I disagree. A $1000 deposit is fully sufficient. In Broko, for example, lots 0.01 With a competent MM this deposit will never be killed. With it you can, at 10% a month,

you can reinvest right away. My post was not about that (it should be implied that it will, for example, from 5% to 15%.), but about the fact that a stable 10% per month, having

1000$ is not a toy, as it was written above, but crazy money.

Is there a 0.001 lot step?

Or is it 0.01?

If the step = min lot, and you started with minimal lot, then the first reinvestment will double your risks.

PapaYozh >>:

Там что шаг 0.001 лота?

Или он 0.01?

Если шаг = мин. лоту, а работать Вы начали именно с минимального лота, то первое реинвестирование удвоит Ваши риски.

If there's a system that makes 10% a month from $1,000, then the same system at exactly the same risk (as a % of the deposit) will earn

and with $100,000 10% a month. Just the lot will be 100 times bigger. We are talking about any one month.

Richie >>:

ZEXEL66, ну не надо серьёзно относиться к тому, что написал товарищ "военный". 10%/м - это 313 %/г.

А на счёт стабильности 10% - точно известны профессиональные трейдеры, которые зарабатывали в недавнем прошлом от 10 до 30% в месяц,

причём это происходило на протяжении нескольких лет, правда было это не на валютном, а на фондовом рынке.

Comrade "rich", read your opponents' posts carefully, now that you have begun to criticise them.

In my examples, I was talking about monthly income, i.e. you took out what you could in a month and took it out, you took it out and took it out.

Thus, for the evenness of the account annual percentage will be 10*12=120% and not 313.

If you need more explanations, do not hesitate to write...

By the way. Among my friends no one takes the risk of investing for a period of more than a year.

And my relatives, in general, September-October to May-June only...


Oh, and just to remind you of the topic just in case: why leak?

1000, or 5000, or maybe even 10000, with the set of experience and 10% per month, is something, but not quite.

Because it will itch in one known place... will be... and the risk will be there, and the drain...

That will first eat up the initial profit and then the rest will follow.


So we have to eliminate the imbalance as much as possible, so that we don't go black...