EvgeTrofi писал(а) >>

What do you mean by "losing"? Do they lose the whole deposit or a percentage of it? I have drawdowns of 30-50%, but I don't lose it. I stop for a while, take a closer look and go back to fighting with much lower risks... Of course you do. It is very hard and unacceptable to lose 50%. But if you don't have much experience, you should always have a "stop-cock" with you.

By "Sinks" I mean both loss of deposit and what you said - severe drawdowns.

I'm not talking about suspending now - it's more about psychology, discipline and money management.

That is not what I am talking about. I apply suspensions too, but I don't consider it a way out of the situation.


Regularly, with small drawdowns, beat the market by a fraction of a percent. I don't believe there are more of them.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Regularly, with small drawdowns, beat the market by a fraction of a percent. I don't believe there are more of them.

It would be interesting to see the distribution. So what do these fractions of a percent know that the other percentages don't?


What is it for!? If there is a pattern, you have discovered it and use it. If you don't find a pattern, then you just bang your head against the wall for five years...

- I think that applies to you.

To discover the pattern, you have to work hard and learn, not bang your head against the wall and beat your last brains out, or maybe your cockroach ass...

At some point I got tired of losing in this casino on the principle of guessing the direction or not and started playing simple long games like the Dow index rise and long pound/yen contracts naturally with a small leverage. That is, I sit and wait by the weather, knowing that the sun will come over the horizon sooner or later.
IMHO. There is simply not enough information to make a prediction or it is delayed.
vlexa писал(а) >>
IMHO. Just not enough information to make a prediction or it is lagging behind.

Are you suggesting that 10-year histories of a dozen currency pairs, figuratively speaking, are not enough for technical analysis?

There are plenty of other "interesting instruments" besides currency pairs.


Exactly. You need information about what's out there now, and there isn't any.

In practice, this means that no one in their right mind would buy a pig in a poke.

The price is simply an integral indicator and as a consequence, its value is hard to predict without knowing all the input data. For example the size of the money issue, etc.


Any fool can trade at 10-20% profit. They are losing because they want too much.

paukas писал(а) >>

Any fool can trade at 10-20% profit. They are losing because they want too much.

paukas, I can get 10-20% a year at the bank and I don't need this forex.