The pure truth about forex and the TS! - page 3

tupogoloviy >>:

Если на каждом углу висят рекламные щитки, типа [...]

No one can forbid the use of brains... or - alas - NOT to use them...

tupogoloviy писал(а) >>


So what do we do?


To the author of the thread:

- First of all, this question of evaluating what has been written is beside the point. This is a forum for programmers, not millionaires.

- At the expense of the existence of "moneylenders" - nonsense. There are no craps and scam artists, just this area of "activity" (Forex) - is available, looks very simple and brings high profits to brokerage companies. There is no 5% of earning, it is very, very much. It is impossible to build a constantly working TS on Forex. You can earn if you are lucky, but if you don't stop you will lose this as well. Mostly banks and hedge funds influence on price changes, but not with purpose of making profit but to exchange currencies. And what TC or just a trader can take into account all emerging needs of all banks and funds ...? A private trader can make money in a casino rolling the dice with equal success. In poker there is more chance - there is less information needed, more information available to the participant and plus you can influence the game.

- If trading on quotes "in general" is of interest, it is better to study the stock market. And most beginners deceive themselves studying the literature written for the stock market, and use it in Forex. These are different markets.

That's all in a nutshell.

vizit писал(а) >>

Автору ветки:

- Во первых данный вопрос оценки написанного не по адресу. Это форум программистов, а не миллионеров.

- На счет существования "мандёров" - бред. Нет ни каких зазывал и аферистов, просто данная сфера "деятельности" (Форекс) - доступна, с виду очень проста, и приносит высокие доходы ДЦ. Нет ни каких 5% зарабатывающих, это очень-очень много. На Форексе невозможно построить постоянно работающую ТС. Можно заработать, если повезло, но если не остановиться - то и это сольешь. На изменение курсов влияют по большей степени банки и хэдж-фонды, но не с целью заработать, а по необходимости обменять валюты. А какая ТС или просто трейдер может учесть все возникающие потребности всех банков и фондов?... Частному трейдеру с одинаковым успехом можно заработать в казино бросая кости. В покере и то больше шансов - в нем меньше необходимой информации, больше её доступно участнику игры и плюс можно влиять на игру.

- Если интересует торговля на котировках "в общем", то лучше изучать фондовый рынок. Причем большинство начинающих обманывают сами себя изучая литературу написанную именно для фондового рынка, а применяют её на Форекс. Это разные рынки.

Вот коротко и все.

I'm a little confused, purely in Russian. 5% is already too much earning in Forex, i.e. overstated percentage, or much more than 5% earning, you mean?

Thank you, at least one sensible answer on the subject, and so what, only the holidays cut for rubbish!)))


Nobody really knows this %%, this is imho a rough estimate. It could be as much as 1% or 10%, but probably closer to 1-3%.

The stock market may be around 5%.

Nobody is going to calculate the real figure, who needs it. For example, it is elementary to estimate how many registered participants of this forum (let it be even active) and how many of them earn at Forex.... Earn on Forex 99.99999% of brokerage companies.
tupogoloviy >>:

Мы катимся вниз по наклонной от человеческих ценностей, к ценностям материальным, и со всем этим накопленным материалом въедем по ту сторону рая!

That is why I have long suggested that forex deals should be made using a connection to the cosmos, and that the latter should be achieved through a righteous lifestyle:))))

vizit писал(а) >>
No one is going to calculate the real figure, who needs it. For example, it's elementary to estimate how many registered participants of this forum (let it be even active) and how many of them earn on Forex.... Earn on Forex 99.99999% of brokerage companies.

It would be interesting to estimate. How many programmers out of the 95%? Probably 5 percent of the total? And of the remaining 5 per cent, how many are programmers? Probably two percent.



EVERYONE WITHDRAW DEPOSITS !!!!!!!!! :))))))))))


fozi, Have you ever wondered what "the internet" and "trading" have in common? No one ever thinks to ask themselves this question

by the fact that everyone understands what is common. But, few think about where the "sources" of it all are.