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да нету у него ни депо ни денег, Александр
Neuroba wants to program, no dough, looking with naive eyes )))
Если 90% населения страны, в которой вы живете, считает что вы живете не правильно... значит вы точно
живете правильно. Не помню кто сказал, но полностью с этим согласен. Форекс подтверждает данное высказывание.
Тут все думают вроде правильно (одинаково). Но 90% при этом сливает свои депозиты. Поэтому и написал кого
ищу. Точно не любителей форумов.
I see what you don't understand.
At least get the hang of it first. Don't make people smile at you too much.
It's not the system that's the problem, it's the present-stability.
At least read some stuff. And then we'll laugh together. If you feel like it.
A 2-line TS that needs to be refined with filters is not a TS at all. The filters will be the main thing in such a TS, which will make it profitable.
How can you be so sure that it is profitable?
I don't understand... I wonder if the man stitched the Expert Advisor together in 5-30 minutes and saw that it was profitable... And then disappeared. THE FREELOADER FINALLY SUCCEEDED!
No comment.
There's something you don't understand: according to information from local professional coders, the percentage of customer ideas worthy of any attention (in the hope of robust profitability) is much less than one percent. Don't console yourself that you have a much higher percentage: you don't seem to be living under any illusions.
The vast majority of "brilliant" TC ideas (which must be coded "for a fee" and with a sense of awe towards the "creator" just for the fact that the coder saw the idea) - is rubbish. Pro coders understand this much better than "creatives" and that's why they charge for it, so they don't waste their time. And you are not just looking for a pro, but a pro squared (trader + coder).
ZEXEL66, you have made 2 mistakes:
1st mistake - you went straight to the forum members, you can't start talking to people with a "rasping" attitude.
The 2nd mistake - you offered money. To whom? I think a lot of people would have been more than happy to help you if it wasn't for that.
super profitable (up to 10000% in 36 hours). The average profitability in a week is around 100-200%.
Did I have a bad snack or is it time for me to go to bed?
Я, что плохо закусил или мне пора спать ?
so watch the audnzd on thanksgiving, put envelope on the minute gaff and calculate how much could have been earned...
How it has hit you. I understand.) You want to flub. Let me do the flapping. I don't have to work, thank God.
Maybe you can teach me a lesson. For all the good stuff, I'll thank the author right here.
The offer I made in the first post removed. In private you can not offer anything new.
Perfectly understand that there are people who would be interested in this cooperation. However,
after yesterday's offers here and in private... I realize... 90% of what they offer will be a simple
a tease or as with yesterday's comrade... collecting freebies.
Speaking of freebies. Probably off-topic, but still, this would probably be interesting. It's the opinion of a DC employee himself about clients. The comment of a Masterforex-V Academy member is not that interesting, as it is more of an advertisement for the Academy.
Thanks to rid, who posted the link in the big thread about oira.
ТС в 2 строках, требующая доработки фильтрами, - это еще совсем не ТС. В такой ТС именно фильтры и будут главным, что сделает ее прибыльной.
Откуда Вы так уверены в ее прибыльности?
No comment.
Вы кое-чего не понимаете: по информации от местных профессиональных кодеров, доля идей заказчиков, заслуживающих хоть какого-то внимания (в надежде на робастную прибыльность), гораздо меньше одного процента. Не нужно утешать себя, что у Вас-то этот процент намного выше: Вы вроде не похожи на человека, живущего иллюзиями.
Подавляющее большинство "гениальных" идей ТС (которые всенепременнейше нужно кодить "забисплатно" и с чувством благоговения к "креативщику" только уже за то, что кодер увидел идею) - это мусор. Кодеры-профи понимают это гораздо лучше "креативщиков" и именно поэтому берут за это деньги, чтобы не тратить свое время зря. А Вы ищете не просто профи, а профи в квадрате (трейдер + кодер).
In two lines, I wrote down the algorithm for entering a trade. Exit simply by SL or TP. Without any trailing stops. They naturally
increase profits. But it's breakdowns and so on and so forth. I limited myself to simple conditions. As for profitability. Read
What has been written above. There is an EA for such simple inputs and outputs. I am running it in the tester.
Pound/Dollar pair
There is a condition for more trades:
-for a year profitability 2.4 drawdown 4 % 58 trades
--In 6 years (arbitrary) profitability 1.33% drawdown 14% 196 deals
Tougher entry conditions:
-over a year profitability 3.7 drawdown 7% 36 trades
--In 6 years (arbitrary) profitability 1.51 drawdown 22% 128 trades
Even tighter entry conditions:
-for a year profitability ...don't know how to write...all trades closed with profit drawdown 4% 33 trades
--Over 6 years (arbitrarily selected) profitability 3.46 drawdown 8% 102 trades
Don't forget that there is more than one currency pair traded on the forex market.)
So I may consider this TS profitable? Further, in the very beginning I wrote. I'm not looking for GRAILS.
There should be no confusion. You need additional profitable systems. This Expert Advisor is there. I do not need it
I don't need to run it on the real. I just need to spend 1 minute a day and decide whether or not to enter on D1.
That's all. But I want to improve this system. I want to increase the number of deals. And if I increase the number
And if I increase the number of deals then decrease drawdown. I know exactly how to do it. BUT I DON'T KNOW FOR SURE
I DON'T KNOW FOR SURE IF THE RESULTS WILL BE 100% BETTER THAN THE DATA. I do not know for sure if the results will be 100% better than the data.