What is it? - page 7

Neutron писал(а) >>

Here is another example of a miracle:

I understand the situation in the pips picture on the right - the guy is just sitting on his losses and sometimes he gets into big losses. But pay attention to two spikes in the picture on the left. The impression is that this is an "inverted" Martin and the "go broke" situation is impossible for such an MTS!

Typical martingale and even absolutely standard (not necessarily doubling, maybe with odds, but standard). The drawdown or surge upwards depend on the order of closing the orders. If loss-making orders are closed first, the chart will show a dip downwards; in this case the profitable order is closed first.

Neutron писал(а) >> Here is another example of a miracle:

Please note that all these "miracle examples" show returns of 100-200-300% per annum, but not 1000 or 10000% per annum.....))))

It's a miracle of equilibrium! Some people have found a profitable strategy for playing beagle, the others mow 20,000 pips!!! I look at all this and think, what a sucker I am, since I'm struggling to steadily get some measly 3 000 pips a year!
Neutron писал(а) >> the man is just sitting out losses

You can survive any drawdown, as long as you use the right leverage. The main thing is to make a profit. And leverage affects just how much profit is made, which is why the returns are so "non-fantastic".

But I wonder why these wonders are being monitored on onyx? Is it for sale? They launch a dozen of them with different settings and then sell magic screenshots of the most amazing ones? That's how much hype arises at once, a lucrative business, apparently.
gip писал(а) >>

I think there are more affordable strategies, but it's unlikely you'll see them working on onyx.

There are no miracles. Some mushrooms grow up to half a metre high and weigh several kilos. But I have only seen them in the news and in pictures, and I have never found them myself or seen them in person. But they're said to be......))))

LeoV >> :

There are no miracles. Some mushrooms grow up to half a metre high and weigh several kilos. But I have only seen them in the news and in pictures, and I have never found them myself or seen them in person. But they are said to be......))))

I've seen one. There were almost frogs inside it.
gip писал(а) >>

I've seen it. There were almost frogs inside it.

How many lucky people are there? ))))

LeoV >> :

How many lucky people are there? ))))

A lot, I don't remember where it was, but there were a lot of them. But it wasn't ashberries or redshirts of any kind, it was white big balls like that.

Something similar, but more regular in shape:

And here's a picture from google:

Although of course it could be a montage.

Integer >> :

The drawdown or surge upwards depend on the order in which the orders are closed, if loss-making orders are closed first, there will be a dip downwards on the chart, here the profitable order is closed first.

Yeah, I guess it will...