Two pieces of news - page 6


gip писал(а) >>


The idea itself could have been stated in a few sentences and invited for discussion, to show the results of the experiments.


What prevents you from doing a similar thing, dare! For a start, just compare the author's profile with the profiles of the other fludo-critics who think they are on a social networking portal.

BLACK_BOX писал(а) >>

What's stopping you from doing the same, dare! For a start, just compare the author's profile with those of the other fludo-critics.

Reshetov, chose the wrong way to present material for the forum. Attempts to consistently and in detail set out the topic from the basics have always drowned in flooding and misunderstanding, even with the author's moderation. Especially when the author responds with rudeness to any comment that disagrees with what he would like to see. You should have written the whole article and posted it. imha


What's stopping you from doing the same, dare! For starters, just compare the author's profile with the profiles of the other fludo-critics who think they've entered the social media portal.

Counter-proposal: write a review of his article. What's stopping you?
Avals >> :

Reshetov, chose the wrong way to present material for the forum.

>> I agree. The key phrase that set the tone of the conversation was "I'm not going to cast my pearls before swine". Well, who does that...


I suppose some thoughts on MM on martingale would be helpful here :)

From post #419 onwards a few pages with pictures

gip >> :
Counter-proposal: write a review of his article. What's stopping you?

No problem, but there is no article. And it's not me, it's him. Reshetov's a touchy-feely brute. And his ideas - for some people donuts, for someone useful information, it depends on your filter "husk-seed".


Make up your mind, do you have any ideas or not? If there are, you can write a review, if there is nothing to write a review, then there are no ideas.

What seems to be an idea is on his website.

gip >> :

Make up your mind, do you have any ideas or not? If there are, you can write a review, if there is nothing to write a review, then there are no ideas.

What seems to be an idea is on his website.

What are you picking on words for. How can I answer without offending you: historically Reshetov writes working codes with interesting trading ideas, so his words are worth listening to. Unfortunately (not mine) he has not been seen with clocks.


What are you picking up on words. How to answer you not to be offended.


Piss off, I'm sick of you.

Oh, I'm tired of you...

Leave me alone, leave me alone, ....

Go away old lady, I'm sad. (>> it's already happened.)



: historically Reshetov writes working codes with interesting trading ideas, so his words are worth listening to. Unfortunately (not mine) he has not been seen with the clock.

Well, you can't listen to it if you want to. Even if you tolerate the fact that he thinks we're all nerds and pigs.


I'm deleting the post, and it's the first time I've seen you in person. You're off-topic. A fool is a fool. Delete your post.
I'll take my leave now.

Reshetov. You are not all like that, I, for example, find your posts and work very interesting, I have read your lectures and am looking forward to continue. Good luck .