Two pieces of news - page 5

Reshetov писал(а) >>

It's not business when a lecturer can't kick those whose faces aren't to their liking out the door. Communication turns into a mess. For example, discussing some kind of linguistics, codpiece trousers and other irrelevant nonsense.

Pride and selfishness are not the best companions in life.

Reshetov >> :

It's not business when a lecturer can't kick those whose faces aren't to their liking out the door. Communication turns into a mess. For example, discussing some linguistics, codpiece trousers and other irrelevant nonsense.

To be fair - sometimes you feel an enormous urge to take a "knowledgeable" lecturer by the scruff of the neck and throw him out of the classroom.

Come on, don't be so hard on yourself. Let the man finish. At least let him say something, but let him say it. Maybe he really found it. :) Wait a minute, there doesn't seem to be anything to find. Yeah...

IlyaA писал(а) >>

Let the man finish the story.

Do you naively believe that this will only end in inarticulate lectures full of nonsense theories?

In fact, I have had the programming code for all this stuff ready for a long time now. There are things which are much easier to implement than to describe. Especially, I have already told that I haven't invented anything new, but took already ready algorithms and put them together. Therefore, the final result will be a publication of source code + statement of the principle of the algorithms.

I do not know yet any cases of applying these algorithms to time series analysis, not to mention trading. Perhaps someone thought of it before me, but is in no hurry to share the information?

Reshetov >> :

It's not business when a lecturer can't kick those whose faces don't like it out the door. Communication turns into a mess. For example, discussing some linguistics, codpiece trousers and other irrelevant nonsense.

Dear man!

Let's not say anything about the faces. Sometimes they are not shown at all.

And the theme and style of your communication reminds me of quasi-Netrebk comforts.

As for the case - you simply ignore significant comments.

Conclusion: speak your monologues in your kitchen.

And in a discussion any turn is possible.

And you need to define the terms too. You said it yourself.

I apologize for Budyonny - if it's disturbing you.



It is a typical situation on domestic forums, no sooner has a man said "Ah," than he gets a "remark", with a clever expression on his face.

It is a pity that Reshetov does not write in English, on that mirror people do not (usually) litter without a reason: they go to a lecture, listen to it, and if they do not like it, they go away. If they like it, they first thank them for their ideas

and only then do they ask questions.

But here you have to make a big show of personality...

In a word, a sovok, in souls...

P.S. Reshetov is valuable not as a person with whom you can argue heart-to-heart, with high ethics, but as a generator of ideas, good or bad, the future will judge...


It is a typical situation on domestic forums, no time to say "Ah," as he gets a "comment" with a clever expression on his face.

It is a pity that Reshetov does not write in English, on that mirror people (usually) do not litter without a reason: go to a lecture, listen, if you do not like it, go away. If they like it, first they thank him for his ideas.

and only then do they ask questions.

Well, with us it's all about personality...

In a word, in souls...

We're waiting for ideas. Then you can thank us too.

The author has more personal jokes - they are scattered all over the threads. And you - with nostalgia for the Soviet Union. ;)

Sorento >> :

Ideas await. Then the gratitude.

The personal ponces are more Aftor's - scattered all over the branches. and you - with nostalgia for the Soviet Union. ;)

Let's not distract the lecturer with idle whispering at the last desk.

By the way, Aftor is listed in the list of threads. Seems at least strange to get into "the net of Aphthor's personal likes".

Let's leave my nostalgia aside, I guess.


P.S. Reshetov is valuable not as a man with whom you can have a heart-to-heart talk, with high ethics, but as a generator of ideas, good or bad, the future will judge...

>> Ahem. An idea? "Martingale can be run" - if that's an idea, and where we are a place to discuss ideas, then where's the discussion? Nah nah nah dear, it's not an idea generator, it's a pontoon generator. A pontoon generator in a word. The idea itself can be stated in a few phrases and invite to discussion, show the results of experiments. Here we see attempts to rub in some lectures, the site, his personality. By the way, it would be interesting to discuss the idea, although for me personally it is too weak. We need to delve deeper.

gip >> :

Ahem... An idea? "A martingale can be controlled" - if that's an idea, and where we are the place to discuss ideas, then where is the discussion?

If you take a cart and call it by the resounding name of martingale, this martingale can be controlled. You don't even need to know what a martingale is.