Spread trading in Meta Trader - page 65

Winner >>:

Я не переходил на ты. ХАМ ты рЕШЕТОВ. А если сравнивать возраст, то ты против меня вообще сопляк!!!!!

The dogs are barking, the caravan is coming

Mischek >>:

Караван с депозитом

Why did you send him into the abyss? Your investors might not approve

Winner >>:

Я не переходил на ты. ХАМ ты рЕШЕТОВ. А если сравнивать возраст, то ты против меня вообще сопляк!!!!!

Not only is he a boor, he also behaves like a child. I tell him one thing and he tells me that his demo deposit has gone up by 1%.
Reshetov >>:

А зачем Вы его в пропасть отправили? Ваши инвесторы этого могут не одобрить

Why are you being so mean?

You're not evil.

You want to slam the door again? Well, slam it a couple of times.

And then come back.)

Alex5757000 >>:

Мало того, что хам, он еще и ведет себя как ребенок. Я ему говорю одно, а он мне - что у него депо на демо на 1 % вырос.

What a chatterbox you are. He talks some pretty ugly rubbish.

Normal people are trying out a demo board, not making up 500 useless tips in a forum.

I am amazed at how many good-for-nothing freeloaders jump on one miserable EA. Maybe they hope he'll start flushing out their idle talk?

Mischek >>:

Ну вот зачем ты так

Тыж не злой

Хочешь опять дверью хлопнуть ? Ну хлопни пару раз

И возвращайся )

Not evil, of course. He's white and very fluffy.

You're evil, I'll leave you.

neoclassic писал(а)

Don't get muddy about it.


I read and read and come to the conclusion that this method does not work in the spot market version. Because any transaction with linked currencies is a cross transaction, and with unlinked currencies it is a cross transaction when there is no correlation.

Hence the question of the meaning of spread trading in Metatrader. Because the futures in it are at one broco sort of, and you don't want to go there at all. And if you seriously trade spreads, then indicators and advisors will have to be written in another platform, which serious brokers have...

Jahspear >>:

Читаю я тему, читаю и прихожу к выводу, что в варианте рынка спот подобный метод не работает.

Another one has been released from Ward 6 on leave.

No one here gives a damn about your delusional conclusions drawn from 21 fingers. A normal trader will put it on the demo first and see if it works or not. And he does not care about the opinion of all sorts of bullshitters. The only thing they may do is laugh at those who show all sorts of opinions and other conclusions here with a serious face.

Reshetov писал(а)

The councillor is still hanging. Let it hang for a week and I'll see. Please explain the approach in more detail. Because my brain is exploding when I look at the code. Here's that subtlety about the base currency does not come through.

P.S. I'm not arguing with you and testing. Do not be rude in advance.

Jahspear >>:


Читаю я тему, читаю и прихожу к выводу, что в варианте рынка спот подобный метод не работает. Потому что любая сделка с взаимосвязанными валютами - это сделка по кроссу, а с не связанными - при отсутствии корелляции.

Отсюда возникает вопрос о смысле торговли спредами в метатрейдере. Потому как фьючи в нем у одного броко вроде как, а туда совсем не хочется. И если серьезно торговать спредами, то индикаторы и советники надо будет писать в другой платформе, которые есть у серьезных брокеров...

In principle, I think it is possible to organise spread trading on a currency spot as well.

Calculate the spread between currency indices, and accordingly play for narrowing the spread by selling/buying exactly the currency indices. There will be difficulties with large commissions and complex lots, which require a large deposit.