Why is the normal distribution not normal? - page 44


Colleagues, are you all arguing?!!! I wish I had your patience. I've got a spare minute and I can't resist joining in with all of you calling each other names! :о)

So, colleagues, as I've written before, the fair price is the price at which the deal was done. There is no other fair price, much less for everyone!!! This is nonsense! Quite on my fingers - let's say there are a bunch of players + housewives players, with varying amounts of money in their pockets. And here they propose to buy Lukoil, but in a way that would be fair. And how is that? At a fair price! And how's that? So that everyone can buy their own Lukoil! And how? It turns out that the price will be decided by the poorest. To put it mildly, no one will sell it at such a price (I assume that the seller is not an idiot). In addition, Lukoil is the only one and there are more poor people than one Lukoil. Then maybe at the most average price? And everyone is ready to show how much money everyone has? Suppose they do, and the question is again - there is one Lukoil, there is no one else, which of the greater number of players will buy one Lukoil? Well, let's say somebody does not need Lukoil and wants Gazprom, which at the same time is also being sold. Then how? Where is justice? Well, it exists. :о)

Besides, it is important what they buy. You might say that fair value is the value of assets. In a sense, yes. But no one needs Lukoil "now" (this is the key word). No one needs to buy "yesterday's" Lukoil. They buy Lukoil's "future", and with a fair price in this case, even worse.

grasn >> :

>> So, colleagues, as I said earlier, fair price is the price at which the deal was done.

Well, then at least explain to us illiterates what kind of transaction (specify the exact ticket) and by whom it was made? Otherwise, we will continue to walk in the dark.

As for me, all deals that closed with profit on my real depo, at the moment of closing, had fair prices, while the rest did not. You want to argue, you don't want to argue. Nevertheless this determination is the only truth in the last instalment and it cannot be appealed. Hence, there is an unequivocal and incontestable conclusion: the tool's fair price is located at the TP of my open trades.

Reshetov >> :

As for me, all the trades that closed with profits on my real depo had fair prices at the time of closing, while the rest did not. You can argue if you want, but not if you don't want. Nevertheless this determination is the only truth in the last instalment and it cannot be appealed. Hence an unambiguous and incontestable conclusion: the instrument fair price is located at TP of my positions.

I will remind you that you were buying/selling currency in strict accordance with the trades and did so strictly at a fair price. Nobody cheated you here, you wanted to buy dollars - well, you got dollars. And to put it mildly (not to use purely fair language), what about your trivial Greed? :о)

Reshetov писал(а) >>

the indisputable conclusion: the fair price of an instrument is where the takeprofit on my open trades is set.

I sign my name completely! Only not your orders, but mine. :-)

Yurixx >> :

I sign my name in full! Not your warrants, but mine. :-)

I'm asking the public, where's the justice in that? >> no!



That's what I'm saying: grown-ups, but they're all bullshit - picking on words. All right, that's fine with you, go on "scribbling" on this forum. Year in and year out. It's a sad picture...

In the field of material production, I have seen the definition of a fair price as follows: a fair price is a price that takes into account the long-term interests of all parties involved in the transaction.

Example: If the market price is below the cost of production in a given region/country, producers do not consider the price to be fair. Tax and government authorities may also consider a price below fair in that region because a low market price leads to negative consequences for them (the authorities) in the long run - a decline in production and a decline in tax revenues. At the same time, the consumer has his own view of the price. The interplay of all these interests and the pulling of the price towards 'fair' does not always happen through market mechanisms.

What price can be considered 'fair' on an exchange, I have no idea.

grasn >> :

So I ask the public - where is the justice? >> there isn't.

Justice you say... Heh...

Let's say you and I are friends and I say listen friend we got a package of 10 soooooo many oranges and 8 each.

And you're asking, "how's that?

>> and I'm like, "I don't care, I ate my eight. :о) Is that fair?

Fairness is when the maximum number of bids can get the maximum chance for realization, no one is denying the fact that bids move over time (those are removed and replaced with the same volumes at a different price) price moves to meet bids and bids move to have a chance to be realized.

If a bid is placed from the market in who knows where, what are the chances of it being realised now, and what are the chances of the next?

As early as page 29 I was surprised at such support for the cost flub I started, it's already page 44...