Intuition testing - page 17

ivandurak >> :

So you should also attach an electric shock, an awl and a banana on a string as a stimulant.

Yep, forgiven, go in peace. A man who doesn't acknowledge his tameness will not be able to afford the subject... ;)

ivandurak >> :

And on the subject I advise to read Norbekov. The Experience of a Fool or the key to enlightenment so it seems. Other books in this series are about training intuition.

We prefer a straightforward trepanning of the subject. The more intermediaries there are, the less truth there is in the dry matter. Okay? Permission to make such a U-turn? :)

IlyaA >> :
Of course you do. It's a shared affair. At the very least, it's on rapido.

>> uh-huh. Deeply imbued with the social significance of people beating each other at roulette... :)

All right, I'll try here first.

dc.rar  1197 kb
ivandurak >> :

And on the subject, I advise you to read Norbekov. The Fool's Experience or the Key to Enlightenment so it seems. The other books in this series are about training intuition.

By the way Norbekov, I have long wanted to find someone who has studied at least some of it. If you recommend him, you must have read him at least. I could ask you to take a test on my tester. :) Just to see if Norbekov is worthwhile or just like everyone else. I beg to differ. :)
MetaDriver >> :

Ok, I'll try here first.

It seems to work. But the problem is I can't find user manual (no help, project hasn't reached commercial stage yet). As I remember now, I wrote it for my daughter... but it's missing.

Well, I'll try to explain it on my fingers right here.

So, micro-manual:

1. The objective of the game cycle is to turn the shuffled deck of compasses (for shuffling - the "New Game" key) back northwards.

The problem along the way is that each game key rotates several compasses at once. Need to "chew up" the patterns and still solve the solitaire.

2. The purpose of the game in general - to train the intellect, especially the ability to retrain, because the rules at each "level" is different.

The word "levels" is written in inverted commas, because there are no conditions for switching to any "level". It is sufficient to switch.



Here it is advisable to immediately get into a simple and handy (imha) trick - many controls respond to both the left and the right mouse button.

The right button is "forward", the left one is "backwards". :)

This applies to rotary buttons, level switch (which is in the upper right corner), and the edit boxes in the rule editor.

Now about the editor. The rules on the levels are not sewn into the body of the program, but quite editable. You can create new levels (up to 64).

// If anyone interesting levels, please let me know in private if not sorry.

The editor is very simple // it was much harder to come up with it ;)

Each 4x4 matrix in the editor represents a playing field, and matrixes are arranged in the same way as the rotary buttons on the playing field,

and correspond to them, i.e. the rotary button, when pressed with the right mouse button, produces an effect on the field that is displayed by the corresponding matrix in the editor.

(Left, as we remember - on the contrary). In this case zero represents the absence of rotation, and different numbers from zero - the number of right turns of 45 degrees.

What else... Yes, some service - matrices can be copied into each other by drag-and-drop. And the corresponding matrix shifts and rotations are automated.


That's about it. Hopefully, that's enough explanations, since most of the stuff here is smart and persnickety, and they figured out everything if they wanted to.

Have fun. I hope it's good for you.

If anything is unclear, please ask, I will add explanations.

MetaDriver >> :

As I recall, I wrote it for my daughter.

So you are already a settled man! And you keep this style of narration as a reminder of your former youth. :) Just kidding. We'll have a look at the program, of course.

IlyaA >> :
Put up the pictures. Look how the posts are made here. You have an idea, so "show" it.

Nah, I don't. Goddamn it. I roughly agree with Yury:

Yurixx 29.11.2009 15:16

You can only get a pathetic semblance of a left hand that way. :-)

But even physicists sometimes use this way (they taught me just at uni), it can be used in rough approximation. In particular for the purpose stated in the topic may well do.

As for a complete resemblance... well my intuition does not point my finger in that direction, I do not see any dough in the direction of excavation of the "exact law of forex distribution".

Accordingly I don't have any motivation to draw pictures either. That's such a lazy person, in some places, eh. :(

XenoX >> :

The game's all right in principle, but it's got nothing to do with intuition. The rules change quite rarely and all the combinations are scored in advance. So it's enough to remember the sequence. For this game to be related to intuition the rules have to change every time and randomly.

Oh, you don't say. :)

It has a lot to do with intuition. Only a little indirect, especially at first glance.

But we seem to have reached the place where we should clarify terminology in order not to get into "bad mysticism"... ?)

What is intuition?

As far as I know, most people by their intuition mean their set of automatic patterns of quickly recognising types of situations.

Unconscious, of course. Hoho.

Do you agree with that definition?

Personally, I disagree. Heehee.

:) :)

IlyaA >> :

So you are already a settled man! And you keep this style of narration as a memento of your former youth. :) >> just kidding.

Come on! I'm a youngster, only two grandchildren so far. So the style is quite appropriate, I like it. :)

MetaDriver писал(а) >>

But this method is sometimes used even by physicists (I was taught this at uni), it can be used as a rough approximation. In particular, for the purpose stated in the topic, it may well work.

Of course, in a rough approximation it is so. But it did not suit the man in rough approximation.

Yurixx >> :

You can only get a pathetic semblance of a left hand that way. :-)

In order to generate any distribution from a uniformly distributed RNG series one must first construct (or take in analytical form) its distribution function. And not the probability density function, but the integral PDF = F(x). It is known to vary monotonically from 0 to 1. Then we need to divide this interval into as many equal intervals as the RNG can generate. Note that points 0 and 1 must be excluded because these points correspond to infinite values of the variable x.

For example, a meta-quota RNG generates 32768 values (from 0 to 32767). Then, dividing the interval [0;1] into 32769 sections, we obtain that the value of RNG 0 corresponds to the point 1/32769, while the value of RNG 32767 corresponds to the point 32768/32769.

Now we can generate a uniformly distributed series and for each obtained value of RNG put F(x) = (RNG +1)/32769. Using the distribution function F(x), we can find the value of the argument x by its value. These values form a random series which has a distribution F(x).

By selecting a suitable scale for the partition of the Oh axis, we can obtain the required values for x.


It should not be forgotten that the RNG gives a discrete set of values, while F(x) is a continuous function. Therefore, all this will work correctly only if the Oh axis (or rather the interval from X1 to X2 where F(X1)=1/32769 and F(X2)=32768/32769) is appropriately partitioned into a discrete set of equal intervals. The length of these sections will precisely define the necessary scale to convert x-values to the one you need.

It took me a long time to figure it out and scratch my head... I understood something, but I'm afraid not everything. :)

Yuri, can't you undertake and write for future generations some universal RNG, generating series with most popular distributions among local mathematicians?

Nowadays you can do it as an mql-object. That would make statistics lovers happy! Make a topic, open a project, advisers and critics will swoop in a flash, the topic will break the popularity record... I'll probably be checking it out myself. But it's a little early for me to be a leader on this topic. I'm not good at statistics. I'm catching up a bit, but so far so good.

You'll do just fine, it's your weight class. How do you like the idea?