Intuition testing - page 9

IlyaA >> :

1. It seems to me that if one is able to deflect the uranium GCF, one will be able to pick up the slightest bit of trend change on the price chart. Intuition, telekinesis and the rest come from the same source. What do you think? If it came down to neuronal connections, how would you comment on tetta waves (these are electromagnetic oscillations at the moment of human insight). Norepinephrine is certainly off the charts in such cases, but insight usually comes, rather than being derived by creating new connections between neurons. By the way, tetta waves are registered in every person. Only the amplitude is different :)

2. I couldn't post the movie today either. Please send it to the post.

1. I adhere to the firm belief that price BP is not random. Hence the ability to profit from the trading process (no matter how, by intuition or otherwise). If CER was the NF, then economic chaos would ensue. Hmm, maybe so in times of crises.

And aren't tetta waves, (don't know what they are) generated by the brain?

2 OK, I'll send it to you.

IlyaA >> :

tetta waves ... are electromagnetic oscillations at the moment of a person's insight

The theta rhythm (θ-rhythm) is an EEG rhythm at a frequency of 4-7 Hz with an amplitude of 10-100 µV. The theta rhythm is most pronounced in children (2-8 years old) and in persons with unbalanced character and aggressive and psychopathic personality traits and with difficulties in social adaptation. Intellectual stress leads to an increase in the spectral power of theta waves and an increase in spatial synchronisation between them. Occurs in normal adults under conditions of profound psychological stress. Is normal in animals. Reflects the activity of nervous processes due to negative emotions, depression, hunger, pain.

Reminds me very much of a desperate trader:)))

joo >> :

Are the tetta waves, (I don't know what they are) generated by the brain?

Of course it is. The trick here is that a man tries and tries and thinks. His brain is rearranging countless connections, and then at a certain point, boom, he knows the answer, let's say he's figured it out. If we look at the encephalogram, tetta waves show insignificant amplitude during the whole thinking process and only at the end, in 1-2 minutes a person starts generating them with 10-fold increase in amplitude. Then he suddenly stops as well. I forgot also tetta waves are detected during sleep phases.
alsu >> :

Theta rhythm (θ-rhythm) is an EEG rhythm at a frequency of 4-7 Hz with an amplitude of 10-100 µV. The theta rhythm is most pronounced in children (2-8 years old) and in persons with an unbalanced character and aggressive and psychopathic personality traits and with difficulties in social adaptation. Intellectual stress leads to an increase in the spectral power of theta waves and an increase in spatial synchronisation between them. Occurs in normal adults under conditions of profound psychological stress. Is normal in animals. Reflects the activity of nervous processes due to negative emotions, depression, hunger, pain.

Reminds me very much of a desperate trader:)))

That's true, but you didn't say anything about sleep and the thought process is somehow one-sidedly characterised. That's a good one about the trader :). By the way, it's the moment of despair when insights come. А? And also at the moments of spiritual balance and strong faith, right? ;-)
joo >> :

Well, I agree with all the posts,

with one correction: Apparently 100% of the neurons can't be activated because there's no room left for any more life,

but that's a special case and even just a 15% spurt is practically genius.

Urain >> :

Well I agree with all the posts,

The trick, I say, is that you can register the moments when the brain starts to rewire (noradrenaline). And there are times when noradrenaline does not do the trick. The brain rebuilds its structure, but there is no solution. At such times an increase in amplitude of tetta waves can be recorded. Check this information. Are there any people here :) who have medics in their acquaintances?

Urain >> :

Well, I agree with all the posts,

with one correction: Apparently 100% of the neurons can't be activated because there's no more room left to function,

But this is a special case and even just a 15% jerk is practically a genius.

Of course you can't activate 100% of the brain. It wouldn't allow for a defense mechanism. And such big redundancy of possibilities of brain is connected to only one important purpose - maintenance of life activity of organism. There are known many examples when a man continued to live and was socially useful, when he had only half of brain and in some cases about 30%!

IlyaA wrote(a) >>

I am telling you, the trick here is to register the moments when the brain begins to intensively rearrange the connections (noradrenaline). And there are times when noradrenaline does not do the trick. The brain rebuilds its structure, but there is no solution. At such times an increase in amplitude of tetta waves can be recorded. Check this information. Are there people here :) who have medics in their acquaintances?

The rearrangement of connections never occurs. This would mean physically creating new synapses and destroying old ones. The brain does not change from birth to death. It is true that in people who are not mentally inclined, the connections between neurons are lost during life. This also has a very simple explanation - energy saving. After all, the brain is the most energy consuming organ. Thus, in infants, the brain's energy consumption is about 80%. In adults, it's about 30-40%.

There are also brain functions not directly related to neuronal function. This is information storage. Information is "wrapped" as a spiral in a special protein. When something needs to be remembered, the protein "unfolds". Everyone knows what happens when you painfully remember a word. And then, lo and behold, you remember! It takes time and a lot of energy to unfold information. And who knows what kind of waves the brain can generate when it thinks about.... A wave is a material object. And if it is material, it means it can affect material objects.

joo >> :

There's never any rearrangement of connections. That would mean physically creating new synapses and destroying old ones. The brain doesn't change from birth to death. It is true that in people who are not mentally inclined, the connections between neurons are lost during life. This also has a very simple explanation - energy saving. After all, the brain is the most energy consuming organ. Thus, in infants, the brain's energy consumption is about 80%. In Adults, it is around 30-40%. (1)

There are also functions of the brain not directly related to neuronal function. It is the storage of information. Information is "wrapped" in a spiral in a special protein. When something needs to be remembered, the protein "unfolds". Everyone knows what happens when you painfully remember a word. And then, lo and behold, you remember! It takes time and a lot of energy to unfold information. And who knows what kind of waves the brain can generate when it thinks ..... A wave is a material object. And since it is material, it means it can affect material objects. (2)

1. I don't know where you got that from, but I can provide sources that say that connections are being rearranged. You are probably referring to the neurons themselves. They are as they were from birth as they are (with reservations). But the connections are constantly changing. I was surprised to read that.

2. this is 100% correct.

joo >> :

Of course you can't engage 100% of the brain. It will not allow a defense mechanism to do so. And such a large overabundance of brain capacity is related to only one important purpose - to ensure the body's life functioning. There are known many examples, when a man continued to live and was socially useful, when he had only half of brain, and in some cases about 30 per cent!

There is never a rearrangement of connections. That would mean physically creating new synapses and destroying old ones. The brain does not change from birth to death. It is true that in people who are not prone to mental activity, connections between neurons are lost in the course of life. This also has a very simple explanation - energy saving. After all, the brain is the most energy consuming organ. Thus, in infants, the brain's energy consumption is about 80%. In adults, it's about 30-40%.

There are also brain functions not directly related to neuronal function. This is information storage. Information is "wrapped" as a spiral in a special protein. When something needs to be remembered, the protein "unfolds". Everyone knows what happens when you painfully remember a word. And then, lo and behold, you remember! It takes time and a lot of energy to unfold information. And who knows what kind of waves the brain can generate when it thinks about.... A wave is a material object. And since it is material, it means it can affect material objects.

Here I cannot disagree, I know that after physical work, you can feel pleasant muscle aches and a slight dullness,

After three days, this state changes to one of mild physical weakness and mental enlightenment,

when mental work flows easily and easily.

And the memory work is textbook. Where are you getting all this from? I come from life experience and observations of myself.


Gentlemen, we have deviated far from the topic of developing intuition. And we are now discussing its source, although we are probably past that as well. Let's summarize. We have 20 pages of unrestrained leaps ahead of us. My theses:

1. intuition allows you to sense the moment when the trend changes on the market.

2. It would be better to start its development with a simple program like the one the top-starter created. Not to be distracted by noises.

3. When a person statistically confirms the presence of deviation in the MO when working with RNG. He automatically goes to think about price charts.

And such questions as where intuition comes from, what it gives, why we are here and how the universe works, as well as other no less interesting I suggest we leave for other threads of the forum. :)

Please state your theses. :)