That's the style! :) - page 9

Svinozavr >> :

By the way! There is an international standards group for C#, C++ etc. Doesn't it say anything about styles?

Well, maybe it's written (except pluses, of course), but practice shows that who cares? In Java for example there was initially some "only true" style simple, logical and without showing off.

ForexTools писал(а) >>

Tell me please, why is it necessary to make the USCD drawing standard a standard? Well, take a piece of paper, draw a drawing with a felt-tip pen and show it to uncle Vasya so that he could carve a part for you. Yes, so that all people, "regardless of country of residence, religion and gender" equally understand the drawing they are looking at, and always know that the author's name can always be found in the lower right corner of the main inscription (rather than somewhere on the back of the sheet). And (no matter who the "author" is) hatching must mean one thing - the cut surface of the part (and not just decided to paint to look nicer).

That's why localization is unnecessary. (by the way).


Another 5 kopecks.

I agree that nesting should be reflected. I reflect it myself. According to the principle: { - under and to the right of the operator by 1 position, the nested operator under and to the right of { by one position.

The closing } is exactly below the opening { . Point.

But all this is until debugging is complete (frankly, it sometimes takes months).

The final debugged blocks are squeezed down to min lines, so there's less scrolling.

It would be better if editor would make lines autonumbering and highlight wrong position in a line. (I'm referring to 4. The entire 5 platform is roentgening)

lea >> :

That's why localisation is unnecessary. (by the way).

Generally speaking, yes. But tell me honestly: when you need a shelf at home kakoyu shaped to make (for internal use) that you're going to draw a drawing by UDC? :))

>> just like a styler in the editor, localization is a service! if you have it, it's nice to work with the product. if you don't - the work will remain just a job :(

If they do not, you'll just get a "crust of bread" but nothing bad will happen.

Azzx >> :

However, given the size of a typical MQL programme... A storm in a teacup indeed. :)

There will be a good language and compiler into quality code - there will be great programs. Stylist is a good thing, though. But... I don't use it.

For "wrong" style reasons. I mean, I'm all for customization.


As an example, I would like to cite the products of Adobe - which is very responsive to user opinion, moreover, invests a lot of money in seeking that opinion - and thrives. The animated banner you can see at the top of this page is a product of technology owned by Adobe.

Jah Bless Metaquotes!

Svinozavr >> :

I don't know about Autralia, but on the subject of style settings, in PCAD, where (also quite a long time ago) I was drawing/plotting circuit diagrams, you could create/change any elements. True, it never occurred to me to designate, say, 2INE differently than it was scored there. But it was possible to draw it any way you wanted. Now there are international standards (ISO), where everything is strictly regulated.

By the way! There is also an international group for C#, C++, etc. standards. Doesn't it say anything about styles?

It's so dumb and hackneyed, this group, that it hasn't been able to agree on cyclic buffers in C for 5-8 years. It's badly needed for embedded systems and DSPs and for.... quote buffers. If they had more brains and less bureaucracy, programming for MT would look VERY different.


Today I was horrified to learn that E. Allman, by whose name the standard style is called for some reason, is an open homosexual, and therefore urgently changed the style for Astyle from allman to --style==bsd (same style, aka --style=ansi ) :

File asty.bat:

astyle --indent=tab --indent=force-tab=3 --style=bsd --delete-empty-lines --pad-oper --unpad-paren --pad-paren-out %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

File astyr.bat:

astyle --indent=tab --indent=force-tab=3 --style=bsd --delete-empty-lines --pad-oper --unpad-paren --pad-paren-out --recursive *.c



A new version of Astyle has been released. A new Horstmann style has been added, which is probably better than bsd. Recommended parameter string:

@astyle --style=horstmann --brackets=horstmann --indent=tab --indent=force-tab=3 --delete-empty-lines --pad-oper --unpad-paren --pad-paren-out %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9