That's the style! :) - page 5


Urain писал(а) >>

ps think for a moment that style is just a habit and nothing more, a way of thinking.

This pattern has been developed over years and, what's more, it is still improving, albeit slowly. :)

So it's not a fucking habit. It's too hard to make. But not to put spaces between operators - it is - a bad habit in a surprisingly large number of people.

Renat :

No, the styler will remain unadjusted.

That's the developers' answer. topic - closed :(

Azzx писал(а) >>

This pattern has been developed over the years and, not only that, it is still improving, albeit slowly. :)

So it's not a fucking habit. It's too hard. But not putting spaces between operators - it's a bad habit for a surprisingly large number of people.

And there's no sense arguing about the taste of oysters - we've eaten them! ;-) I can even tell you the healthful side effects of eating these seafood. :-) :-)

as for the rest, there are two adequate readable styles that are almost equivalent:

if () {


if ()

everything else is bogus, IMHO.

ps. handshake Azzx


Examples of intra-corporate C style standards - for INSTALLED systems (hardware):

Files:  412 kb  195 kb  113 kb

The problem can have a very simple solution for both sides.

You just have to keep two versions.

Developers keep the formatted version for themselves - the way they are comfortable to process it - and the user keeps the familiar version for themselves.

In this case no one will impose anything on anyone and the cost of additional disk space and time for a new reformatting is insignificant.

Plus, those who want to learn an ideologically correct style always have the opportunity to look at the "ideal" :)

Shu >> :

in fact, if we're talking about teamwork, the most important thing is to have the whole team working in the same style of coding.

Hardly anyone will argue with that if one is sane. :)

Shu wrote >>

as for the whole, there are two adequate readable styles, almost equivalent:


everything else is bogus, IMHO.

Imho - also true. I used both of them myself. Just the first version is a little less lines, and the readability of the source does not suffer. So I stopped on it. :)
Andrei01 >> :

The problem might have a very simple solution for both sides.

The solution to the problem is ELEMENTARY. Already now the stooler works and somewhere there is a constant for how many positions to indent the bracket. Adding one text field to enter this very indentation into ME parameters is a cakewalk for any developer. Any.... except MK - they have their own "policy" which they somehow decided to stick to no matter what.

The argument that it is necessary for the codebase to be in general order is not even an excuse :)) Write rules for accepting scripts where you write: the codes are accepted in this style. If the user sends something else - he gets the standard "format as required" reply and no admin codebase does not bother with this wrong text.

But that's not even the point! How many lines of MQL code are written around the world per day? I think that's not even long enough for that number. And how many of them end up in the codebase?! I think short-a will be enough. So don't lie, dear developers ;) Your real users are much more numerous than your posters in codebase. And the more convenient your product will be for them, the more popular it will be. Write honestly - we'll do it, but later, maybe "very later" ...... You're breaking down as you did with the publication of the first beta of Five... I feel bad for you :)

Renat :

Нет, стайлер останется без настроек.

ForexTools wrote >>

This is the developers response. topic - closed :(




1 find a different styler

2-use the stock


everyone has their own perception of the code

good code is rarely fixed

code is not always distributed with the product

even if I do pass the code on, my style may not be well received by those used to

if ( ) {

if ( условие )

void functionA()

i write in this style

void Function1()


if ( ) // условие входа


just look in the directory !

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\atlmfc\src\mfc\

it's a classic style... that's what I'm sticking to


Here's the one line asty.bat batch file:

astyle.exe --indent=tab --indent=force-tab=3 --style=allman --delete-empty-lines --pad-oper --unpad-paren --pad-paren-out %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

and you're in luck.


style should be customisable, it's the writer's business and responsibility how the code looks...

Developers as writers don't recognise us as writers...

when you have to use alternatives like notepad++,

to be able to work adequately with double brackets, then there's no talking about styles...