The Bank of England has bought a number (molillion-billion, etc.) of pounds from the Swiss bank for francs. How will the exchange rate change, why? - page 8

Poruchik, those analysts... no need to go to the bash today, I had a hearty laugh... ))

Let's try it from the opposite direction:

for the pound to rise, must it be bought or sold?

So the situation is: Bank A. buys, B. sells the pound. where is the truth?

puzzle? )))

Remember - without taking into account the economic peculiarities of the two countries

KONDOR писал(а) >>

Let's try it from the opposite direction:

for the pound to rise, must it be bought or sold?

So the situation is: Bank A. buys, B. Swiss sells the pound.

puzzle? )))

Remember - without taking into account the economic peculiarities of the two countries

If a bunch of speculators buy a billion pounds, against the franc, the pound will rise.

More accurately, they won't be able to buy the pound at the initial price, the pound will rise until they buy the whole volume.

There were buyers, but there were also sellers, the deals probably wouldn't have happened if the buyers were working at the same level. Deals only happen if speculators agree to buy all the time, even if the price goes up.

The situation is not symmetrical with respect to buyers and sellers. Sellers sell at the desired price and buyers buy at the market price.

If the Bank of England wants to buy a billion pounds, and the Swiss bank needs the same amount of francs, they can agree to make a deal at the current price. This would not change the price level.

If the Bank of England wants to buy a billion and 200 million and the Swiss bank only sells a billion, they will have to resort to speculators. The price will bounce based on the Bank of England's buying levels.

What's the argument about?


Read the Messag:

Bank of England BUY!

after hours for us...


To a friend majestic

on the haze - still 1.6798.

Is it a gap or what?


Let's try it from the opposite direction:

for the pound to rise, must it be bought or sold?

We need to buy up the pound on the Offer and put a pound higher to raise the Bid.

This is on exchange. If the transaction is over-the-counter, there will be no effect on the price because the bet will remain the same.

Reshetov >> :

We need to buy up the pound's Offer and put a pound's Bid higher.

This is on the exchange. If the trade is over-the-counter, there will be no effect on the price, because the put will remain the same.

Oye - esteemed one.


Instead of bickering, I suggest that zoologists, botanists and philologists make a prediction...

Then the method will become a POWER.

Physiotherapists to the rescue.


Sorento писал(а) >>

Read the Messag:

Bank of England BUY!

after hours for us...

you have no working hours but many banks do. somewhere i read that many do not know. gaps in our charts may appear because the trading takes place on weekends without us. thats it. while the banks turn off their servers.

ghenghea >> :

It's not business hours for you, but for many banks it is. I read somewhere that many don't know. gaps on our charts are caused by weekend trading without us. that's it. while our servers are down.

>> thank you.