The Bank of England has bought a number (molillion-billion, etc.) of pounds from the Swiss bank for francs. How will the exchange rate change, why? - page 6

sanyooooook >> :

I think you need to know the exchange rate, and if it's lower than the exchange rate, it's better to buy, and if it's higher, sell.

I think that's what I said too:

KONDOR 22.11.2009 19:29
so far the conclusion has been drawn:
to open a position you need to know how many pounds B.A. is going to buy
and for how many francs is the final target


So you can ignore the news.

Some sell, some buy, all see the profit in their deal.

But the price changes depending on the fundamentals.

another inconsistency.

Yes, you can ignore it. The rate doesn't change because of the news. It's the news that changes because of the exchange rate.


I kinda talked about that too:

KONDOR 22.11.2009 19:29
so far i have concluded:
to open a position you need to know how many pounds B.A. is going to buy
and for how many francs is the final target

You've answered your own question about where the exchange rate is going to go, you just need to know how many pounds for how many francs. Or do you think that banks trade at the rates you have in your terminal?

sanyooooook >>: Or do you think banks trade at the rates you have in your terminal?

>> but quotes and withdrawals to the interbank market?

joo >> :

Yes, you can ignore it. The rate does not change because of the news. It is news that changes because of the exchange rate.

i.e. there is news - for example, an interest rate cut

the price goes sharply up before the news and then collapses during the news?

News can't change every second. I mean the news calendar.


>> but quotes and withdrawal to the interbank market?


joo >>:

Да, можно не обращать внимание. Курс меняется не из-за новостей. Это новости меняются из-за курса.

i.e. the expected news is, for example, an interest rate cut

The price goes up sharply before the news, only to crash during the news?

Again looking for a connection where there isn't one. Quotes have a life of their own, news has a life of its own. Coincidence, as usual in our difficult business - 50/50. (I mean news.)

The news can't change every second. I mean the news calendar.

Do you really think that they will tell you directly and truthfully where the exchange rate will go? This is absurd.

joo >> :

Again looking for a connection where there is none. Quotes have a life of their own, news has a life of its own. Coincidence, as usual in our difficult business - 50/50. (>> I mean the news.)

then how does one choose the direction - at random? bulls bears and vice versa?

or is it unanimous?


then how is the direction chosen - at random? are the bulls bears and vice versa?

or is it unanimous?

How, how.... (scratching my head). Put a macdi on the chart and watch.... :)

joo >> :

How, how.... (scratching my head). Put a macdi on the chart and watch.... :)

>> yeah... sure... looking... triple divergence and still going up without stopping