The Bank of England has bought a number (molillion-billion, etc.) of pounds from the Swiss bank for francs. How will the exchange rate change, why? - page 3

sol >> :

Gold is in my view a rather unpromising asset. As the energy industry develops, mining as well as synthesising gold will become more than affordable.

Synthesis of money will always be more accessible than synthesis of gold (if they ever learn to synthesise it)

sol >> :

Gold is in my view a rather unpromising asset. As the energy sector develops, mining as well as gold synthesis will become more than affordable.

As for gold synthesis, I can say that it is unlikely to become promising. Unfortunately, it is a very labor-intensive and expensive process, as a result of which the cost of synthetic gold is much higher than that of natural gold. Why produce a product that will not pay for itself

joo >> :

It's just a convention of buying/selling currencies. When you bought euras for dollars, then you must perform the reverse operation - buy dollars for euras. These transactions are EQUAL as they cannot be separate from each other.

no... then I don't have to do anything...

please read from the beginning so you don't repeat yourself. It applies to everyone.

KONDOR 22.11.2009 17:12.
If you buy one currency and sell the other, the first goes up, the second goes down.
The same process can be viewed from another perspective...

let's not take into account the peculiarities of the economies of the two countries


no... then I don't have to do anything...

Please read from the beginning so you don't repeat yourself. That applies to everyone.

KONDOR 22.11.2009 17:12
If you buy one currency and sell another, the first goes up, the second goes down.
You can look at the same process from another angle...

What do you mean by that? Let's say you have 100 tugriks. And I have 100 bougriks. You say to me, "Eh, and let me buy your 100 bougriks for my 100 tugriks.

And I said to you: "Uh, no, let me buy your 100 tugriks for 100 bougriks." What, are we supposed to fight for the right to be called a buyer? We're both buyers. And we're both sellers.

joo >> :

What do you mean by that? Let's say you have 100 tugriks. And I have 100 tugriks. You say to me, "Uh, let me buy your 100 tugrik for my 100 tugrik."

And I say to you, "Uh, no, I'd rather buy your 100 bugricks for 100 bugricks." What, are we going to fight for the right to be called a buyer? We're both buyers. And we're both sellers.

There's another option, "Why do you need 100 bougriks? I don't need your tugriks, but I'll give you 100 bougriks and you give me 120 tugriks".

joo >> :

What do you mean by that? Let's say you have 100 tugriks. And I have 100 tugriks. You say to me, "Uh, let me buy your 100 tugrik for my 100 tugrik."

And I say to you, "Uh, no, I'd rather buy your 100 bugricks for 100 bugricks." What, are we going to fight for the right to be called a buyer? We're both buyers. And we're both sellers.

In all likelihood, the bidder should be able to offer a good price here.

joo >> :

Well, what do you mean by that? ...

my brain is boiling. it's a vicious circle.

sanyooooook >> :

in all likelihood the bidder should offer a favourable price here.

The point is not the exchange rate. The question of the author of the thread is, what was it in the beginning, buying or selling? :)


So far I've concluded:

to open a position you need to find out how many pounds B.A. is going to buy

and how many francs is the end goal

joo >> :

The point is not the exchange rate. The question of the author of the topic is what was it in the beginning, buying or selling? :)

))))) buying and selling happen at the same time, it's always the one who didn't start the bargaining that benefits.