Non-fitting system - main features - page 14

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What kind of fiction is this - external parameters? What is it?

They are even called that in MQL, like external :o))))


2 grasn:

I want to apologise to you for being an 'idiot'. That was a bit harsh. More than anything, I didn't want forum communication to turn into an altercation.

My apologies have nothing to do with content.

Once again, I'm sorry.

IlyaA >>: ruhi [...] recommend literature on the stochastic market (if available).

Well sort of Shiryaev is often recommended. But it's a very complicated read, with all sorts of probability spaces, measures, filters and other "unnecessary" terms. To understand the spirit of tervers and statistics it is easier just to read something almost elementary, like Bulashov. It is kind of clear there, chewed up for traders.

To argue about the terms is a thankless task. But in essence grasn and Svinozavr are talking about the same thing. That the classical TA indicators (wands, stochies, diverters etc.) do not work with the traditional interpretation of their meanings. This is TA in the narrow sense - classic indulators with traditional interpretations. To make it work, you need either non-classical turkeys or a different interpretation of their values.


No proof, but no counter-arguments either:

Any system based on price history analysis cannot be written without external (including implicit) parameters.


Good evening ...

I have long had a thread here about writing a synthetic chart based on 4 major currency pairs ...

Such a graph would be the basis for finding a pattern .This pattern would be the average for all these 4 pairs ...

In essence this will be the "golden mean" ....Grails are not needed ... ... but here is the golden mean ...... ...

and as for the optimization ...Watch the optimization chart.... The less pure optimization on the optimization chart, the better the method you use ...

azfaraon >> :

Good evening ...

I have long had a thread here about writing a synthetic chart based on 4 major currency pairs ...

Such a graph would be the basis for finding a pattern .This pattern would be the average for all these 4 pairs ...

In essence this will be the "golden mean" ....Grails are not needed ... ... but here is the golden mean ...... ...

and as for the optimization ...Watch the optimization graph .... The less pure optimization on the optimization graph, the more the method you use .

Perhaps this tool will help you.

Mathemat писал(а) >> This is TA in the narrow sense - classic indices with traditional interpretations. To make it work, you need either non-classical indices, or a different interpretation of their values.

+1. Classic indicators with non-traditional interpretations.

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What kind of fiction is this - external parameters? >> What are they?

The values, with the help of which the TS is tuned.

For example, the settings of the turkey used in the TS.

Say these: MACD(12, 26, 9)

Lea, Mathemat thank you very much.
Mathemat >> :

Well, Shiryaev is sort of often recommended. But this is a very complicated read, with all sorts of probability spaces, measures, filters and other "unnecessary" terms. To understand the spirit of tervers and statistics it is easier just to read something almost elementary, like Bulashov. It is kind of clear there, chewed up for traders.

To argue about the terms is a thankless task. But in essence grasn and Svinozavr are talking about the same thing. That the classical TA indicators (wands, stochies, diverters etc.) do not work with the traditional interpretation of their meanings. This is TA in the narrow sense - classic indulators with traditional interpretations. To make it work, you need either non-classical indices, or another interpretation of their values.

Alexey - that's right. It's just that since the dawn of the markets there is a clear division - self-sufficient price analysis and everything else.

The first is TA. All methods which operate with prices with sufficiency for analysis fall into the category of technical analysis.

I've written before that there is essentially no dispute. There is a strange desire of some people to attribute everything that does not work in price analysis or that they do not know how to use to TA.

Then it turns out that TA for my friend is only what is written in such and such a book. A normal move!