Non-fitting system - main features - page 29


I seem to have missed something, some subtle thread of reasoning in this thread, otherwise I would have understood the connection between "money doesn't smell" and the important issue of Swinosaurs madness. Incidentally, the latter occupies me considerably more than some kid from the distant past. Curious, can the patient touch his index finger to his nose?


a nickel?
Uzer >> :

At least there was something to fight for there, but here the price of the question is - to prevent the domination of fitting systems, urgently define the principles and with dogs at the entrance to bite them hard :)

I would rather ask about the logic of variables in your indices and how you should not make price changes with your indices, you just need to follow the market.

I do not want to repeat myself. There, on the link there is a special about fitting. It if about that example to speak.

But if you want to talk about the subject, I've written here in this thread a lot. One more time? OK. Let's call it a summary.

1. If TS is made as an implementation of a clear, intelligible idea, it does not require optimizable parameters, as the values of these parameters are determined by the idea itself.

2. Optimization can be used only as a tool for investigation of properties of TS and checking the adequacy of one's ideas. All the rest is alchemy and shamanism. If it is for sale, it is a scam.

So the main sign of a non-tuned system - is that it is yours, and not, and you made it in your right mind, sober memory and on the basis of a logical idea.



There is not always a logical connection between the concepts "to detect a thin thread" and "to understand", and as for Piglet's madness, it is necessary first to start a new branch, for example "Piglet's madness - main signs", to identify the signs, to check Piglet's presence of these signs

With which index finger of which hand and only with one index finger, with what force is meant touching and whose nose, own or alien, but most importantly, what will it give concretely for reasoning about fitting systems?

Maybe enough already, it's Friday, and the mood of people as if the weekend they have moose to graze, let's make peace and no more fighting, let him who has more money make a polite gesture and stop insulting the first! :)

Svinozavr писал(а) >>


Is that your back word? :о)

to User

Hello! Who's insulting who? And the pigsaurus has more money, he said so himself :o)

Svinozavr >> :

1. If the TS is made as an implementation of a clear, intelligible idea, it does not require optimisable parameters, as the values of these parameters are determined by the idea itself.

I have come across one unpleasant issue, everything is OK, forecasts come true more or less I am fine with it, but I am tied to my monitor, I need to monitor the situation constantly, because I cannot (probably I have not matured enough) decide on my exits, while I manage my positions, everything is OK, I quit, leave my computer, lottery begins. As for the trading robot, if I have not yet understood the rules, I cannot decide on the exit strategy, because if I have not yet decided on the exit strategy, all is ok, if I have controlled the positions, then I have given up, moved away from the computer and started a lottery.

grasn >> :

Is that your back word? :о)

Yep - said it like it was cut off. // all this is IMHO, of course... ))))))


Если ТС сделана как реализация четкой, внятной идеи, то она не требует оптимизируемых параметров, т.к. значения этих параметров определяются самой идеей.

And I agree, especially as I have written about it from the start - there is only one criterion for "non-fit", it is the complete absence of optimisable parameters. There are no other criteria. As soon as such a parameter that affects profit appears - that's it, it is impossible to find its optimal value for the future.

to Svinozavr

That's how I understood it :o)

Uzer >> :

Maybe enough already, it's Friday, and people are in such a mood as if they have a weekend to herd moose, let's make peace and no more fighting, let the one who has more money make a polite gesture and stop insulting first! :)

You are mistaken - we are having a peaceful conversation. And on business, which is even odd for a Friday.))

grasn >> :

Serez, why, really, from the outside it might seem that we're so, so... fighting?